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I really want....


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I really want a zombie meepit. Like, it's almost embarrassing how badly I want it. I just love zombie things sooo much in general, that I even decided to start a zombie gallery. But let's be real, that zombie meepit with my zombie peophin. WINNING.


I've been told that once you put out into the universe what you want, it has a way of entering your life. So there, I put it out there. What are some things you all want?

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A Lutari :wub_anim: ah, if only the lab ray would agree with me. Sadly it has not been very helpful.

Too bad we can't trade lutari's because my lab pet just zapped one! :(


I'd really like it if my MSPP traded for a draik. Pronto. haha

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I want a UC Faerie Pteri. So much.


There are a few UC's I want so badly. But I have lost all hope with the deflations of Draiks and Krawks.


I want an UC Faerie/Grey/Plushie and Baby Kougra.


And an UC faerie xweetok.


UC Faerie wockys and Pteri's are amazing too. <3


Oh and an UC Werelupe. Awesome!

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Hm...I'd like to eventually get a Skuffler....and a non-zapped Schnelly (I had such mixed feelings when I zapped one onto Calico_Krawk).


Good luck with your Zombie Meepit; they're adorable!

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Wow, so I want everything you guys have listed. So maybe if we work together it'll happen for us!


I want all the avatars as well, and I also really want my poogle to be zapped MSPP :)

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A couple of pets I want are a maraquan shoyru, and a faerie lenny. :) I've got a long way to go before I get those, though! Before either of those happen, I'm trying to save for a spotted paintbrush for my Kougra. :D I've seen lots priced at just over 900,000np, and I've just hit 150,000! Getting there!

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Good luck guys!! Maybe the Neo beings of power will see our wishes and help us ;)

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