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NC Mall Supersale Returns Sunday!


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Get 50% off select Neocash items starting November 13th until Saturday November 19th.


New sale items will be added daily so stop in each day to see if your favourite NC items are on sale.


All Super Sale items will retire on November 19th so don't hesitate to get your favourite Neocash items this week!



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What? Noooo, it means tons of great NC items are going to retire. :sad02: I was hoping there wouldn't be one this year! I had promised myself I wouldn't buy any more NC this month but looks like that won't happen now!

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Ugh, is this seriously all they are putting on sale?!? I was really looking forward to it and all that's in there are stupid thought bubbles and 2 shirts, one of which is maraquan only (which is really awesome if you've got a maraquan pet but seeing as I don't <_< ) I'm sad now. I was totally going to spend a bunch of nc but not on that junk <_<

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