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Future Neopet / Petpet colours!

Lady Kakata

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With Xweetok Day approaching, Xweetok owners are hoping for new colour options for their li'le critters.


I'm personally hoping for a Woodland colour for them. Imagine a Cybunny-esque scheme with bushes and flowers replacing their neck ruffs, head scruff and tail!


What colours (UNRELEASED COLOURS) do you want to see in your chosen Pet/Petpet species? Pictures from artistic members welcome! :laughingsmiley:

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Not a lot would strike my fancy, but I'd like to see the following:


Maractite Jetsam

Wraith Hissi

Tyrannian Kiko

Mutant Poogle


These days, anything is possible with pet colours according to TNT.

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I'm waiting to see:


Wraith Poogle

Royalboy/girl Lutari

Transparent Kiko

Water Cybunny


I'd list all the colors that are still unavailable for Lutaris as well, but it would be way too many.

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I'm excited for Xweetok Day, as well.. might repaint one of my four Xwees if the colors are nice enough :)

I think a Water Xwee will be quite interesting, to say the least, and if they execute it right, it could be gorgeous :wub_anim:

I personally think, though, that they're cranking out way too many new colors at a time, and need to focus on all those gaps they have on the old colors.

And I'm afraid I'd probably fall in love with Royalgirl Lutari, even though I could never get one <_<

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:wub_anim: Halloween + Royal Ogrin :wub_anim:


And I want a Ninja-Paintbrush. Or call it Shenkuu-PB if you like. They could start with a Lenny that looks like the guy from the ninja training school!

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Water Xweetok

Wraith Aisha

8-bit Xweetok

Mutant Nimmo, Poogle, and Wocky (they may look horrible, but only time will tell)

Chocolate Lupe, Acara, and Koi (I love Chocolate pets!)


All I can think of for now, but anyway... :)

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I'd really like to see an 8-bit shouyru. I imagine it like the unconverted shoyru...except pixelated. ^_^

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I really wished they'd release a wraith, maraquan or maractite xweetok. :) I really feel disappointed because most xweetok colors as so limited and are not very much competitive as other pet colors. So I hope they'd release cool ones too. :)

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They should have a paintbrush that allows self-customization! :O

I know right? Imagine a Food Pteri, which would have drumsticks for legs, it would be fascinating.


Oh, you mean a paintbrush that automatically gives them a set of clothes? (is confused)

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