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Noob Moments

Scarlet Fever

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So...what's the last really silly thing you've done on Neopets?



I just realized that the item I've been wishing for at the Wishing Well for the past two months (literally) wasn't r89 like I thought...it was r93. LOL....I felt quite silly. On the bright side...after I changed my request I got what I asked for; maybe it felt sorry for me. :laughingsmiley:

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When I was 9, I fell for a board that said "place 10 poisonous lollipops on the trading post and paste this as your wishlist. Go to faerieland and you will receive a faerie paint brush!"


You don't really see those any more but the TP used to be full of those lots. xD

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I can't count all the stupid things I've done during the years. For years I didn't fully understand that the shop wizard checked DIFFERENT shops each search. So I would buy the cheapest item in the current search which could end up being 10,000+ more than what it was worth.

One of my friends used to offer shopkeepers above the price of the item because she thought you had to be the highest bidder.

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I remember when I first started playing (oh so long ago), I was spending all my Neopoints getting food for my pets, not realizing I could go to the Soup Kitchen or get free Omelets and Jellies!


Also, I remember not collecting interest at the bank for the longest time because I kept depositing NPs first!

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I remember when I first started playing (oh so long ago), I was spending all my Neopoints getting food for my pets, not realizing I could go to the Soup Kitchen or get free Omelets and Jellies!


Also, I remember not collecting interest at the bank for the longest time because I kept depositing NPs first!


I used to do that too. All the time. Whenever I took np's out of the bank and the amount I had left would go below the minimum for that account type I changed the account back, and end up getting less interest.

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this is embarrassing ... but I'll tell it anyway :


when I first started playing , I won a palm fan from Tombola .. at that time , their estimated value (the one on the item drop-down menu) was something like 100,000 NP I think ... so I went to the Trading Post and offered it on a Paint Brush ... of course it was rejected so I neomailed the owner (I remember she was a girl) asking why did you reject my offer - the palm fan is worth exactly 100,000 like you asked ... she neomailed me back and she was actually nice about it ...


my biggest vice is that I sometimes tend to do trades while being half-asleep ... which led to a few mishaps ... nothing too dreadful though ...




btw , congrats on your Wishing Well wish being granted .. I never had any of mine so far :(

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I always end up spending too much at the Trading Post and shops because of sheer impatience. No matter how much I could save at Auctions, I just can't stand the wait.


I also tend to go on shopping sprees at random. I don't know if those count as noob moments, but I definitely regret them afterwards. My worst was an all-out gambling spree, right in the middle of saving for a Faerie Paint Brush. Yesterday, I spent a good chunk of my savings on Petpets, even though I promised myself I would take care of them AFTER I finished all my dream customizations...

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My first month on neopets was way back when you could get a magical meerca plushie for getting a score of 600 or above. I got more than 600 every game easily, so I had a bunch of magical meerca plushies. Well, my first pet was already a meerca, so I didn't realize that the magical meerca plushies change your pet. I sent one over to a friend, who played with it and accidentally turned her pet into a meerca. I felt so bad about it, I sent a message to TNT asking them to "fix a glitch". Funny, after that the description of the magical plushies started telling you they will change your pet...



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When I was new to the Neoboards many years ago, I fell for the "copy and paste this message in 15 other boards and you will win 50 baby paintbrushes" thing. Oy, that was stupid.


Now that I'm a much more experienced player, the only stupid things I've done is not counting the letters correctly when giving an item to my pet, or thinking one pet couldn't use it when in fact it was really the other.

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Back in the day (7-8 years ago, when i was 7 or 8), I never knew that you could have side accounts search up links for faerie account items or you could ask for them on the faerie board, or find somebody who could help. Then, i spent hours looking store by store looking for my faerie quest items, without learning the key "Control-F"

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I remember when I first started playing (oh so long ago), I was spending all my Neopoints getting food for my pets, not realizing I could go to the Soup Kitchen or get free Omelets and Jellies!


Also, I remember not collecting interest at the bank for the longest time because I kept depositing NPs first!


haha pretty much did exactly the same but i also bought extremely overpriced battledome equipment because people told me they were really good.

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