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I need help with customisation

Lady Lyuba

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I've faced it now: I'm horrible at customisation. I'm just not a creative person at all with dressing up my pets. Which really sucks because I love customisation so much. But I'm bad at it! When everyone started dressing up their pets for Halloween at the start of the month I was left in the dust thinking "How in Moltara do I dress up my pets for Halloween? Nothing is costume-ey enough!" All I can do is throw random bits and pieces together and call it a costume. I SUCK!


And all of the good stuff is either unbuyable or retired NC stuff. :sad02:

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you can always post on this topic here ... futuretx will be happy to help (when she's around) ... also , we might be able to help with a specific pet .. just tell us which pet(s) and we all can pitch in with ideas :)

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