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I love you so much, TDMBGPOP.


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So, while visiting TDMBGPOP, I received a Festive Stocking, today. Honestly, I was glad just to find a toy, since Rowanan's been slowly decreasing in happiness (which started with an earlier visit to TDMBGPOP, actually). Without checking the price, I just let him play with it... and, unexpectedly, the stocking disappeared and left behind a few other items.


Some cheap Tyrannian food? Okay, I guess.


Ooo! Some candy worth about 6,000 NP? That's a nice surprise. :)


The Spirit of Giving? Awesome, another book for Rowanan! Just out of curiosity, let me check the Shop Wizard... wait, what? None are listed? :eh: What about on the Trading Po-ooooomigod.


So, um... TDMBGPOP just gave me an item worth 700,000 NP. I love that little guy so much, right now. :sad02: I'm glad I didn't check the price of the Festive Stocking, either, since that alone was worth about 100,000 NP; had I know that, I would have just sold it.


So, yeah. Full collateral for the Zafara Double Agent Plushie doesn't seem so impossible, now. :laughingsmiley:

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Omg, you're soooooo lucky;) i'm goin to talk to him everyday, no, not going to forget it, i wanna have a stocking^_^

hope you'll find a buyer:)

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that is awesome ... many congratulations :)


he once gave me an item worth 5k or so .. that was the best I ever got ..... of course , I'm still waiting to get the avatar :worried:


I'm waiting for the avatar too! The best I got might have been a goodie bag...probably one of the usuki bags or something. I just let them sit lol even though i guess I could sell them but too lazy to. It took me a long time but I finally sold my Aisha Tpotion just before a slight deflation. Many people must have gotten the random event or something because there are so many on TP all of a sudden. In fact, the one I sold was the 2nd one I got within like 1 or 2 months :whistle:

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Nice! The best I have ever gotten was an item for 30k... I wish I had your luck for Forgotten Shore! (By the way, I have a bunch of pieces if you need any message me!) So I hope you find a buyer and become lent ZDAP! Though with your account, I wouldn't be surprised if you aren't lent right now even! ^_^ (Saying I was lent before I had 5 trophies, and 143 avatars for free.)

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Thank you so much for the congrats, everybody! :* I wish I could spread my luck to you all..!


I haven't found a buyer, yet... but, since Thursday, every other copy on the Post with a price has been sold (or, at least, the lots have been canceled). No price at all is given for the book, now, so I have no idea if I should offer it for the original 700,000 NP or wait and see if its cost fluctuates. :S


Nice! The best I have ever gotten was an item for 30k... I wish I had your luck for Forgotten Shore! (By the way, I have a bunch of pieces if you need any message me!) So I hope you find a buyer and become lent ZDAP! Though with your account, I wouldn't be surprised if you aren't lent right now even! ^_^ (Saying I was lent before I had 5 trophies, and 143 avatars for free.)

Ooo! I'll send you a Neomail as soon as possible about the map pieces. ^_^


I know, with a little luck, I could probably be lent for less than the plushie's actual value... but, since I have to save for Number Six, I might as well support the ALP and offer in full. ;)

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Wow I was just complaining to myself that the dailies have become rather mean since the forgotten shore and anchor thingy. I have had no luck with buried treasure/fruit machine/fishing/tombola etc etc for ages

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Aw, lucky you. Every time I visited the plushie, I would get only toys and some Neopoints.


But, congratulations to you!

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Holy moly! I didn't know he could give out items that expensive. Usually I get Money Tree junk from him. Congrats, you lucky duck!


For the last week I've gotten nothing from TDMBGPOP but bloated pets, which is pointless because they're usually bloated anyway.

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