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So, I can't help but be a little curious. How many NP would you need to achieve all your current goals on Neopets? Do you believe you'll ever be able to save enough... or are your dreams unattainable with NP, like collecting a full case of trophies, getting certain NC items, or trading for an unconverted pet?


For me, completing my pets' customizations, including petpets, would come to a little over 4,500,000 NP. I've almost saved enough, but I'm holding back on a shopping spree until I can achieve the Zafara - Double Agent, Meowclops, and Number Six avatars. ^_^


Of course, that isn't counting my addiction to avatars, books, and stamps, plus starting my gallery... which will always be draining my bank account. ;)


The cost of my dreams?


Turning my Poogle Lippstik into a Faerie-Royalgirl Poogle for one, I'm almost halfway done with saving up Neopoints for it. Also, I'd like to buy some hard to find chocolate items for my gallery, too.


4 mil? That's really doable! :D


For me? <_< According to Jellyneo's book list, it would be 509,191,636np, not including some books. Including the Hidden Tower ones, it would be 520,291,636, for books.


I have yet to count battle items.

EDIT: I honestly think that everyone is more practical than me. :P


I am looking at 2.2mil, assuming I don't break down with impatience and just save up for a Desert PB, which would bring my total to 4.7mil :O And then a possible Island PB on top of that is 9.4 million. Yes, that is just clothes and paintbrushes.


Well, based on just pets, I reckon it'll cost me a further 2-3mil just on PBs. I'm not as bothered with clothing, unless it really fits what I'm trying to achieve; when kawaiiAddison became a Mallow Grundo, I had no idea what I'd customise him as and I just threw whatever I had in my wardrobe on him (and it did kind of create a fitting theme).


Hmm, I've never really counted all the costs in total... I've 20 pets, and my dreams are mainly to paint and customize them. Granted, I've no interest collecting avatars or gallery items. :P


But the minimum cost of my entire goals would be over 20mil. I've achieve quarter of it, still a long way to go.


gallery - i can't even calculate it .. some items don't even exist anymore ... others cost in the high millions


pets - i need 3 Royal PB's ... which is like ... around 5.3 million NP ...


I know mine will be way over 8mil. I'd like one of my pets to be Maraquan and I'd also like to build up my stamp and gallery collections. I haven't decided on what I would like to paint some of my other pets so that'll add to the total as well. Time to save, save, save!! :D


o_O A lot. My most important plans right now, roughly 24 million. For a Pirate Draik Egg (roughly 9 million), Maraquan PB (8-9 million), Magical Pirate Krawk Plushie (roughly 6 million), Camo PB (roughly 100k). That's just to complete my sea account.


Then there are all the items. (Stamps, books, wearables, etc.) And avatars. (Like I still need the 10 million HT book one.)


Plus, I have a few more pets I want to get painted, like a cross-painted Halloween/Maractite Hissi, my Lupe (color to be decided), my Shoyru (Maybe Maractite, or Water when it's released.)


Basically, I'll be playing Neopets for a long, long time to get this all done.


Only to customize Kaishmir the way I want will cost me 10 millions :mellow: I'm also going to buy him a water paintbrush.


And of course, I want to paint my other neopets too. I'm happy with Carudon's colour, but I dream about painting my grundo Sudesh faerie, or morph him into a darigan hissi.

They also need to get customized. I'm not to happy with how it is now.


...Did i mention that I really want a white eyrie morphing potion?


By the time I have fullfilled ALL my dreams, I will be an old woman...


Well, I've already got over a mil in my gallery and it's going to cost me at least 5-10 mil more to finish it.


Pets, as of right now they're the least expensive things. A Dragian PB (1.4 mil) and a Pirate PB (about 2 mil). Eventually a plushie Kougra (4.5 mil).


To get just my current pets customized how I want them it's going to be another couple of mil. x___x

No to mention other random stuff cus I'm greedy and things.


Basically; A LOT




Haha, for me? Well over 1 billion. Probably well over 2 billion actually.


To get my dreamies it will cost me around 90mil.

Not to mention my galleries.


One of my galleries has items in it I need over 1 mil for every item. And just bleh.


I also need to buy a FQD, ZDAP, Chokato and Meowy.


A lot. Maybe like 20m to begin with?


4.75m on a royalboy-maractite cross-paint for my shoyru, 2 halloween pbs, a white pb, a fire pb, lupe and korbat morphs plus customisations for my superheroes account (4-5m), and then another 4-5m on a pirate/ghost cross for my second lutari, skunk for my kacheek, plus customisation items for a few designs. And, unless I'm very lucky and catch them from Underwater fishing, 4m on a couple of mysterious swirly potions for the desert and halloween chias I got out of the pound.


And then there's items. Building collat for MSPP, BGC and SuAP, Adam, Hidden Tower, Chokato, Meowclops, ZDAP... the list goes on.


Basically, I'm not going anywhere soon. :P


Realistic dreams: app. 30 mil. (pets, gallery)

Unrealistic: 500 mil. (+ expensive avatars, expensive gallery etc.)


Just calculated that by earning 100 000NP/day it'll take me only 27 years to achieve 1 billion :) hahahhaha :D


@ April: you can borrow these items from the ALP, you don't need to buy them :)


So much I don't even know the exact amount. Millions upon millions, I'm sure. Over 4m to start, for a desert paint brush (for my Buzz) and a pirate one (for my Aisha). Then it's over 100m total for the Buzz's books and my Kacheek's gourmet food. And I don't even want to think about all the insanely expensive wearables, and all the nps I'm going to have to spend for avatars...


*stares forlornly at bank account*


4 mil? That's really doable! :D


For me? <_< According to Jellyneo's book list, it would be 509,191,636np, not including some books. Including the Hidden Tower ones, it would be 520,291,636, for books.


I have yet to count battle items.

I'm trying for the Booktastic and Neopian Book Awards, as well... but I try not to think about the sheer price of those trophies. o_O Casually collecting books is fine with me, at least until I can achieve the other goals on my list.


My Current, doable goals right now are Pirate Lutari Morphing Potion and Grey Paint Brush. That runs around 12,000,000.


My biggest dream long term is to collect all the Paint Brushes.


I can't even imagine. A loooot. I want to paint my pets, then customize, then collect some items, and and and...It's overwhelming.


The cost of my dream is well over 100 million np...I want to have a full collection of collectable cards and stamps...not sure if it's doable at all...


Personally I have no real goal of how much i need =S like i wouldnt want so much neopoints that i dont feel the need to do anything in neopets and just spend all my time buying with no earning. It would be cool if i could get like a certain ammount of money poofed into my bank every week so i can choose to save it or spend it!


Well like everyone I have tons of goals that would cost oodles of points: gallery, avatars, dreamies, etc.

But my main goal right now is to turn my Biscuit Usul into a Chocolate Chomby, which will take quite some time.

I need a Chomby Morphing potion and access to the lab ray on my side account which would cost about...1,400,000.

Which really compared to some peoples dreams isn't that bad. It's just going to take forever!


...I agree, I kinda don't want to think about it. I want a Draik, I want a gallery (although my gallery is themed, not collectibles, so it's a lot cheaper than stamps or whatever), I want at least 250 avatars, and I want to paint all of my pets. I also have a big wishlist of wearables that adds up to well over 2mil.


Even scarier is the NC cost of all my dreams through NC trading. That's scary cause it's real money, probably waaay more than I have. :worried:

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