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I have been trying to find a way to change my neopets color because I am growing tired of the normal red. Im not so much a newbie to neopets, i've been playing since high school but I took a long break and I could use a refresher course. But really, are there any easy ways to win paintbrushes? PLEASE HELP :sad02:


You have to play a lot of games and make a lot of NP. Then you can buy paint brushes. Another way is by winning them from Fruit machine or Tombola. Another way is by random events and it is really rare for you to win one that way.


The Hard Way:


~ Earn NP to buy them. They cost pretty expensive (very very very) though.


The Easy Way (which requires lots of luck):


~ Fruit Machine.

~ Anchor Management.

~ Fountain Faerie Quest.

~ Boochi (RE, but if you want a baby Neopet).


For me, I'll stick with the hard way. It'll probably take ages for me, as I have lots of Kacheeks I want to paint.

Good luck! ^_^


You can also try key quest. I've gotten a couple from redeeming gold keys though not very often. You can also get a Tyrannian paint brush from the Wheel of Monotony.


There are cheap pbs like the spotted, biscuit, christmas, and glowing. If you are fond of playing keyquest, I think it's a good way to win PBs with gold keys.


Depends on what colour you want for him or her. There are a lot of cheap PBs, as the person abouve me said, but even then you should have at least 100k on you. Also, does the colour fit your pet's character?


Another way not mentioned is if you are good at a particular game you could just play world challenges. I used to do that for suteks tomb. But it takes an hour and you only win one piece at a time. After you complete the first map you get a petpet paint brush and the second if i remember correctly is some other paint brush. I can't remember what the third map did I think i got a halloween paint brush. or something like that. But your easiest bet will be to just play 2 player key quest games as a few people have pointed out before me.


2 player Key quest games, with FIVE KEYS. Remember this. Then you'll get gold or silver. Even if you don't get a PB, you can make use of the NPs and items to save up. And if you get one you don't like, sell it, and save up. :)


Games and such go toward the fund, too. REs are possible, but don't bank on them. World challenges if you're superb.


Also, if you just want the pet COLOUR, you could always do a trade, or stalk the pound for good pets. You can adopt some from people who are leaving neopets, or have neopets UFA. (There's a thread of this somewhere on TDNF) A morphing potion is possible, if you want the stats only and some other pet. Some potions are cheaper than the paintbrushes.


In the meanwhile, here's a pretty accurate guide to PBs and their prices. All the best! :)


I actually sell paint brushes now. Store plug aside, if you want to save np. The easiest way it to follow the daily's guide.


Found here: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/dailies/


Also another consideration is to play Habitarium. More info on that here:




You might also consider the stock market but I doubt at low funds that would give you the return your looking for.


The Hard Way:


~ Earn NP to buy them.


The Easy Way (which requires lots of luck):


~ Fruit Machine.

~ Anchor Management.

~ Fountain Faerie Quest.

~ Boochi (RE, but if you want a baby Neopet).



It should be the other way around, the easy way is earning because you have more control over when you get and IF you get it. The easy way is actually really hard unless you're really lucky.


I suggest you start dumping some of you np into the bank and start collecting daily interest. It'll curb a bit of your spending temptation. Instead of wishing for a PB, actually select a PB you want that you can use on your pet and then work towards getting enough NP to pay for that value. You get nowhere if you don't have a goal.


The other thing is if you're not too attached to your pet and your pet is very well named, some people are willing to trade away zapped pets for a new lab rat.


Besides from the ways mentioned above, you may also want to try the lab ray


If you have already collected the lab pieces, you can go there everyday and zap your pet, which have the possibility of changing your pet's colour

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