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Good News From Around the World


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In light of a thread over in the debate boards, I would like to dedicate this thread to POSITIVE news stories. Kind of a way to give attention to the right things. Whether it's a good deed you do, you see done, or something you see on the news, share with us. We could all use a little more positivity in our lives. Also, please no negative comments. If you wish to debate a post, please PM the author.


My story for today (though it actually came from yesterday):



Remember the Middle Tennessee man who won a $50,000 scratch-off lottery prize, then had the ticket stolen out from under him? Unbelievable news tonight - the missing ticket has turned up.


John holder went from an ecstatic winner to a man who couldn't sleep for two weeks. Now, it's all smiles again after his winning ticket is back in a way no one expected.


Holder bought a $50,000 jumbo ticket at the Gulf station in Columbia. He signed the back and made a copy. They even posted the copy at the gas station.


But on the way home, the real ticket disappeared when he thought a stranger in the back seat stole it, but there was no proof.


But Thursday there was a small miracle when the winning ticket was mailed into the lottery office. 'Lost and found,' it said. The envelope did not have a return mail address, but it was postmarked from Nashville.


"I figured the ticket was gone. I figured it was burned, destroyed, torn up, something. I mean, if I had stolen a $50,000 ticket, that's what I would have done with it," Holder said. "I'm not going to go give it back to the person I stole it from."


Holder says he has no hard feelings for whomever stole the winning ticket and later returned it.


"All I can say is thank you. They didn't destroy it, so no hard feelings."


Now he can take home his giant fake check and the real one, get out debt and do some nice things for his daughters.


It's a happy ending for him and a lesson for all winners.



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In light of a thread over in the debate boards, I would like to dedicate this thread to POSITIVE news stories. Kind of a way to give attention to the right things. Whether it's a good deed you do, you see done, or something you see on the news, share with us. We could all use a little more positivity in our lives. Also, please no negative comments. If you wish to debate a post, please PM the author.


My story for today (though it actually came from yesterday):


This definitely made my day. Yay for good news attention!


And I'd be so happy to be that guy. I am glad he got his ticket back.

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Awww yay :D


Crime is bad enough, but it really bothers me when it involves children. Glad he's home safe :)

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Recently, a teenage boy got stuck under a truck, when out with his friends, the driver no older than 17. An accident happened and the boy got pinned underneath the truck as it flipped over. Firemen with their strength pushed the heavy truck off the boy and he was taken to the hospital where he is making a speedy recovery. Miraculously, he had no broken bones, and the boy is alright.

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Good to hear :) No matter how old or young, it's always good to practice, and encourage others to practice, safe driving. Not only are you protecting yourself, but you're protecting others.


28 September 2011 - Pakistan is committed to achieving peace in neighbouring Afghanistan and cooperating with the US and Afghan governments, Pakistan's foreign minister told the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday. 'We must work closely and as responsible partners in a cooperative manner and not rush to judgments or question each other's intentions,'' said Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar.

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