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Apparently some mother is trying to sue neopets because her son (10) has been spending too much time on neopets and she is claiming that neopets is distracting him from doing his homework. What do you think of this. I mean if this is true she should take control of her own child's useage.


I agree with what Jeanie said.


Shouldn't parents be responsible enough to inform their children if they are playing the computer for way too long?

Suing Neopets just because their child plays it for too long is just ridiculous, just saying.


Plus it will be very inconvenient for TNT, and possibly everyone too.


How is this Neopet's fault?


Why then, doesn't she sue the internet? Or toys, she should sue toys. Heck, she should sue the SCHOOL for making her son go to school when he has to do homework.


Sometimes, these things just dont work out.


First of all, even if it WERE neopets' fault, you can't sue for that. There are no monetary damages. You can't sue for a lower grade.


Second of all, if he's on the site, then either a. he lied about his age, or b. his mom signed the form. Which means he is guilty of a crime (not neopets) or else his mom legally gave permission for neopets to distract him.


Thirdly, there's this thing called self-freezing.


Ridiculous. Honestly, there's no way that mother will win, and it's just going to get her some bad press. Also, in many cases, if the suit was found to be completely frivolous, the prosecutor can be found responsible for paying the defense's expenses. I'm hoping, however, the case will get thrown out before it even makes it to court.


So... She's suing Neopets because her son plays too much and has a lower grade because of it?


She's the parent; she's responsible for managing her son's time. Why sue a company if you can just unplug the power cord from the computer? It's cheaper to do and you don't make a fool of yourself.


She's probably threatening to sue or complaining and saying she's going to.

No reputable lawyer would take that case and any judge would laugh her out of the courtroom. XD


However, I cannot tell you the number of time I have been threatened with a lawsuit on another website I used to work for. We had dozens of tickets daily that began with something along the lines of "give me/my child my/their account back or I'm gonna sue!". And according to my boss at the time no one actually ever has. XD


Sadly, that's the american mind-set for a lot of people. If something doesn't go our way we hope the threat of a lawsuit will change things.

I bet she's been in to the principle to complain about her son's teacher "giving" him bad grades.


*mutters about helicopter parents*


Anyone else really wanna see Judge Judy take this case? x3








* * *


Zachary, how did you hear about this? Is there an article you can link us to? Is it someone you know? If there's an article about it, then she is genuinely planning to sue; if it hasn't made news (other than here) then it could easily just be an idle threat.


There has to be more to this... there's no way the case will come even close to court if the mom is just mad about time. I'm a little skeptical <_<


EDIT: while googling for the article I found one called "Mom Sues Preschool for Hurting Daughter's Ivy League Chances," so maybe people really are that ridiculous!


0_o, you can't sue somebody when it's not their fault...


Like everybody says: the parents are responsible, it's not TNT's problem.

Neopets exists for people to play it, and you have to find a balance between playing and doing homework.

if the mother wants her child to stop playing/play less, than she has to tell her son not to play anymore.


simple as that


There has to be more to this... there's no way the case will come even close to court if the mom is just mad about time. I'm a little skeptical <_<


EDIT: while googling for the article I found one called "Mom Sues Preschool for Hurting Daughter's Ivy League Chances," so maybe people really are that ridiculous!

I doubt there is more to this. If you also google father suing facebook you would see that they have the same problem. The father is basically suing facebook because he is not doing his job monitoring her online useage. She put a picture of herself making her look older and he is suing them because she was allowed to use facebook and post pictures of herself when she is only 12 years old


Then we have another case which was thrown out where a mother asked her child to climb a ladder at Kmart, she pushed him off the ladder and tried to sue Kmart for endangering her child. And another was asking her child to run in a soap spill and when told that it was dangerous she told them to mind their own business for and told her son to run. When he got hurt she tried to sue, but people testified she was putting her child in danger by asking him to do this. Then a third mother was told her child had to sit in a cart she let him stand and told them to mind their business and pushed the cart in such a way that her two year old fell out and hit his head. There are some sick people in the world who would do anything to make a buck. As for the father suing Facebook some people are also saying that he put the explicit pictures of his daughter there himself or encouraged he to do so and set it up so he could make money using his daughter as a pawn. Besides that child has other problems and part of the reason is the father is not stepping up and taking actions, and blaming others for his lack of parenting. Same with the neopets mother.









LOL this. She's obviously just out for some free money. I have a 10 year old whose computer/ipod usage is closely monitored and moderated and I just can't understand why parents don't do that then try to blame others when there are poor outcomes for the kids.


*facepalm* What a stupid mother. It's not Neopets's fault, all she needs to do is something called GROUNDING HER SON. That's what all the other SMART parents do! That's what all our parents did, it's what your parents did too!


It's pretty pathetic that she's blaming her poor parenting skills on a website.

I went on neopets all the time as a child and I did very well in school, probably because my mother knew when to get me off the computer and make me do my schoolwork.

What a strange woman. :S


while at it why not sue the company that manufactured her computer , and the restaurant from which her son orders food while playing games ... :woot:


while at it why not sue the company that manufactured her computer , and the restaurant from which her son orders food while playing games ... :woot:


Of course! I can't believe I didn't think of that! Clearly those companies and restaurants are enablers the ones at fault!


Is it just me, or is the mother's lack of common sense disturbing?

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