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How long does it take to restart Habi

August of Lake

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Okay, got locked out of the Habitarium last Wednesday, sent in a bug report ticket Thursday night. Since then, nothing, no message from TNT or the like. Should I wait til next Monday to send in another ticket?


(And to note, yeah, I'm mad at myself. I only had it open for a few hours, but I forgot to harvest all the gems before I closed it like I usually do. Oh, well, restarting shouldn't be as bad this time, I know what to do.)

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I dont know how long it would take for tnt to take action. It could take a while before you receive anything from tnt, and during that time, you could consider resetting the habi yourself


You can reset the habi yourself using this guide: http://www.neopets.com/~Nimmo . Granted, you might go back to lev 1, resetting habi using the miracle method allows you to play habi again. If you`re super pro at habi and you can have habi running for most of the day, it could take less than 8 days to level up to 50 again. If tnt takes more than a 2 weeks to solve the lockout, I would probably just reset the habi myself. Its generally more profitable in my opinion.

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Thank you very much. I did restart it at level one, but I'm already to twelve(It helped I had so many buildings, 200xp each to build makes things go by fast, and not having to rebuy) Let's see how it goes from there.

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If you have it open in your browser open all day, I found that you can get back up to level 50 in about a week. I've had to restart mine twice now :(

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Oh, how annoying for you :( I only just got to level 50 last sunday and I leave it open all night to collect gems, and this morning I almost did the same thing. I knew that it made the game all buggy if I did, but I had no idea I'd have to crash it and start again :guiltysmiley:

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I got locked out of my Habitarium in July. It took about 3 weeks for TNT to process my ticket and unlock my Habi. I was lucky, and my Habi was still at level 50 when I gained access to it again.

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I have found that it is just better to restart then to deal with TNT. They take way to long to get back to you and I have had to restart I think 4 times now. Takes a week if you know what you are doing. I have done it numerous times. *facepalm*

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I heard Habi locks players out all the time, is this really a glitch? I just thought that happened on a regular basis for some reason. When does Habi lock you out, when you reach level 50?

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Taken from the site mentioned in a post slightly higher up:


#1: Bag-Lockout - No longer common, with most lock-outs fixed. Caused by too many items in your bag (usually eggs),which froze your game.


#2: Gem-Lockout - Caused by unknowingly refreshing,or browser crash, with a board full of purple gems. You will only see a blank board and background with the little 'loading' circle continuously spinning. The workaround,which was offered to a few people,no longer works, as TNT have stopped supporting it.

A few people had the gem-lockout at lvl 25 as well, but were let back in when the new levels were released. It seems this is the one that is currently being worked on the most,in hopes that it's solution will be useful to help fix version 3. (I think this is mostly the reason)


#3: Watch-it-die Lockout - Cause,not clear,but it seems that NC may be contributing to it. Your habi will load,but without P3's or menus. You can still see XP being earned for as long as your P3's are alive, after which you can only watch the buildings fall apart.


(I hope this is what you were asking!)

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I think I finally may have been locked out of Habi today, but for what I don't know. I don't have very many items in my bag, though I had two Storage buildings which had reached the limit of most resources. And by what you're describing as far as Gem Lockout, no, I don't believe I have that happening, either. I've collected ALL the gems I got from pests and dead P3s, and I'm only at level 19, so no purple gems.


So what does this mean and what can be done?

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I think I finally may have been locked out of Habi today, but for what I don't know. I don't have very many items in my bag, though I had two Storage buildings which had reached the limit of most resources. And by what you're describing as far as Gem Lockout, no, I don't believe I have that happening, either. I've collected ALL the gems I got from pests and dead P3s, and I'm only at level 19, so no purple gems.


So what does this mean and what can be done?

Something similar to a lockout happened to me when I was level 21, but I just tried again 30 minutes later and it worked again. :) Try to wait a while before going back in.

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#3: Watch-it-die Lockout - Cause,not clear,but it seems that NC may be contributing to it. Your habi will load,but without P3's or menus. You can still see XP being earned for as long as your P3's are alive, after which you can only watch the buildings fall apart.


Could it be this? As far as I know, all you can do is submit a ticket. However, that takes forever, and it's easier to just restart your habitarium. With all the buildings in place already, you should have no problem climbing back up!

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