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Does anyone have any suggestions for high score trophies? I'm sort of new to neopets, and I only have a few trophies, as you can see on my lookup. Also, I have this question, how come when I take a picture of my habitarium for my user lookup, it keeps saying "Saving...." but it takes ages? Any ideas?



P.S. Any sites with good premade user lookups?

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Does anyone have any suggestions for high score trophies? I'm sort of new to neopets, and I only have a few trophies, as you can see on my lookup. Also, I have this question, how come when I take a picture of my habitarium for my user lookup, it keeps saying "Saving...." but it takes ages? Any ideas?



P.S. Any sites with good premade user lookups?

You can see other easy to get trophies here: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/articles/easy-trophies/ It's best to try to get other trophies during reset day (1st day of the month). Some of these include doing 2 Jhudora/Illusen Quests on reset day REALLY fast. Make sure you have SW open and ready in another tab.


Some things to note: You can do 1 quest for 1 of them every 12 hours, so try to pick a good NST time like 1am and 1pm NST. It's better to do it earlier because in case of a tie in score, the one who scored earlier is ranked higher.


For your habitarium problem, if it takes too long, just refresh. It's better than having to wait forever.


For premade user lookups, I believe our very own Izzy has a lot of nice ones. You can find them here: http://www.neopets.com/~iz9piper

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For flash games trophies, you can look at this petpage to know what was the cut off score on reset day. ;)


And I have premade userlookups here. :D


For habitarium... I'm not too sure what could be the problem, but you could always try to clear you browser cache and take a new picture. It might work then. Otherwise, you may try in a different browser.

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I had the same problem when I tried to take a picture of my habi. What browser are you using? Mine got stuck loading in FF, but worked fine in Chrome.

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