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Ok so yesterday I bought a Macbook Pro and for the past half hour or so I've been trying to install my coy of Photoshop Elements 8.0. I purchased it about a year ago and it said on the box that it was for Windows and for Mac but I can't seem to get it to install. When I insert the disk and open the folder I get a bunch of files and I can't seem to open any of them or get photoshop to install. On the main screen here's the files that I see:

Adobe Photoshop Elements Folder

Adobe Premiere Elements Folder

Adobe Reader 9 Folder

Autoplay Folder

8 HTML files that open and are the READ ME's

Autoplay.exe file



Here's the screenshot of what I see



Sorry the image is so big but I'm still learning on my mac and I don't know how to edit it decently using photobucket (I tried and failed)


Any Ideas on how to install photoshop?


A screenie would be good to see what's in those folders. I have a feeling that you'll find a setup icon in one of those folders, but the icon looks like a folder (in Snow Leopard anyway, not sure what version your OS is or if that makes a difference?)


I remember encountering this when I got Elements with my graphics tablet. I have CS5 so I didn't need Elements anyway, so gave up rather quickly.


I think I have the Snow Leapord OS but I'm not too sure. I know it's not the new one.

If you want to see inside the other folders as well I can post screenies of them too.


here's what's in the Photoshop Elements Folder




I'm almost positive it was for both. The box had the windows logo and the Mac logo on the side at the bottom. Now I wish I would have kept the box.


I may be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 was distributed with separate Windows and Mac installer discs. If that's the case, you'll need to locate the OS X installer disc before you can get it working. :(


I did get 2 Disks and I've tried them both. The first disk has both photoshop and premiere elements and the second disc just has premiere elements. But it was for PC and Mac.


Does anyone know where I can download elements 8?


Your best bet is to contact Adobe for support. There are places you can dowload it, but I'm not sure the key on your boxed version will work with a downloaded copy.


Hope you can sort it out. Software issues are painful aren't they.


If you insert the disc and something like this doesn't show up:




Then, most likely it is not compatible with a Mac. I know some discs are meant to be compatible for both, but most Mac installers have an auto-run script which should show something similar to the image above upon inserting the disc.


I think I'll contact Adobe like you said. Hopefully I can get it sorted out without having to buy the program again. Software issues definitely are painful, even more so since I switched from PC to Mac.



As you can see above I don't get that and thank you for showing me what I should see. :)

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