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Mutant Clothing!

Scarlet Fever

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Yaaaaay! Mutant clothing!


Has anyone else spotted the Mutant Tattered Dress in the NC mall? I think it looks pretty spiffy; and at least they're thinking about covering up all the nekkid mutants out there. o.o

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It looks surprisingly awesome on Mutant Hissi....I'm still not a fan of the eyes. lol


I like a lot of the Mutants..just not enough to have them (with the exception of the Draik...2 days until I can transfer Ickk to my main account, then he shall be a Mutant Draik. Yay!)

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I don't have a single Mutant pet as well, nor intend on having one however. I really like the Elegant Mutant Cape by the way, about time Mutant pets had some style with their scary character. :yes:

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Oh poo I used to have a Mutant Lupe that I have since painted magma a while ago because I got tired of it. I should have waited >.<

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I'm so happy that dress was released! Finally, something other than the cape! Now, my future mutant Korbat has more to wear than just the cape! Even though Shiroumaru is a he, herp derp.

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