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Neopets Screenshots Thread

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Well, the title says it all, post your screenshots here, remember to clear out any information such as your username, active neopet name, and your amount of NP on hand ( I know one can figure most of this out easily because most of us have our neopets username under our avatar, but I didn`t want to risk this thread being locked, or being hacked) Anyways i,ll start:


My first decent snipe in years: Yay!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just some new Battledome opponent glitch I came across. I already got Vira to be honest. :P


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another good snipe for a battledome weapon here!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but thats not a snipe :P Psellia's fighting fan is worth around 45k, your shop wizard search just coincidentally showed one fairly priced item, and a dozen severely overpriced ones :laughingsmiley:

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nice screenies guys.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but thats not a snipe :P Psellia's fighting fan is worth around 45k, your shop wizard search just coincidentally showed one fairly priced item, and a dozen severely overpriced ones :laughingsmiley:


Awe, come on, well either way I equipped it to my BD pet :mellow:

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yay for tombola winners:




it's a Flaming Fire Faerie Pizza and a Bri Codestone

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another tiki-tack tombola win ;-)




yay for 2 days in a row-winners

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  • 1 year later...

Lets re-bump this year-old thread to share screenies! TDN needs one xD.





I went to withdraw some codestones and I saw that I had exactly 2012 of them! XD

It's not amazing, but I thought it was funny.

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