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We dug deep and found a brand new Chomby Transmogrification potion to celebrate Mutant Day on August 25th!



Chomby Transmogrification Potion


I love my pirate Chomby just the way he is, though I wouldn't mind seeing some new Chomby art!


how is this potion to be obtained? Id like to get my hands on 1 or 2... do we know the fetching price yet?


The Mutant/Transmogrification potions are only received by Random Events. (From Dr Sloth) And this potion hasn't been released yet, so there isn't a price.


The Mutant/Transmogrification potions are only received by Random Events. (From Dr Sloth) And this potion hasn't been released yet, so there isn't a price.


You can also get them from the NeoCola machine if you're uberlucky...



Chomby Transmogrification Potion


A Mutant Chomby?




This is the one thing I was waiting for. I hope that Mutant Chombies will look awesome in my views.

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