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Have you taken Accutane?


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So I finished my first accutane course midway through this past June. Six months and relatively mild side effects. Dry skin, dry lips, and slight cases of eczema that would go away with hydrocortisone. My skin CLEARED up as soon as I was done. For the first time in 9 years, I was acne free (it started when I was only 12 >.>) July was just amazing. Not a single breakout. I finally was happy with my skin when I looked at the mirror.


TICK August 1st comes, and I wake up to find 6 new pimples/cysts on my face. And now another two are forming. I am pissed. 6 months and hundreds of dollars for ONE MONTH of clear skin?! Does anyone else have an accutane story? Did you ever have to take a second course on top of your first one?

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No, but may I suggest that the weather isn't exactly your best bet to be "acne-free". Even I break out with all the sweat and dirt in the air (You live in NYC too right?). And this is coming from someone who never had bad acne or much of it at all. I get one or two but they go away quickly and they also often appear in conjunction of my up and down hormones *cough*. I would just suggest washing your face as often as you remember to do so even if you have no soap or cleanser.


So yeah, maybe it's the weather that's causing your skin to break out like that instead of the medication (although I'm pretty sure there's no cure-all for acne).

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I actually did take accutane a few years ago. I think I took it for about 9 months and then I had clear skin for pretty much 2 years straight. Now my skin is still much better than before but I do get an occasional breakout. I'm actually pretty surprised that you were able to get on it now. Pretty much every dermatologist in my area has completely stopped prescribing it because of new information about the permanent side effects. I don't mean to scare you or anything with that but I just know that if my skin condition ever did come back I wouldn't be able to get back on accutane. I haven't really felt any of the long term side effects yet or anything so I'm hoping I'm all good.

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My roommate did back in highschool. I remember his lips were chapped all the time because he always used to borrow my chapstick. We're in our 20s now, so I'm not sure if the medication fixed the acne, or he just outgrew it.

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I was about to, but then I learned that the military won't take you for like 4 months after the last dose, and I'm trying to enlist. :\ So I read a lot about it; your situation is pretty common, I think. I saw a lot of people on forums say that if that happens they put you on a second round, and that almost always takes care of it. You should talk to your derm.

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