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Pet trading help!


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Okay, soooo after a lonnnngg (i'm talking 5-year) hiatus I am back on neopets! BUT unfortunately for me, everything is so different and I feel like a noob again! I used to trade pets all the time! But back in the day limited editions were in high demand, there was no such thing as customization, and name did not mean a thing. Now it seems like unless i have a Draik named John, I've got nothing :( ANYWAYS I have a Faerie Grundo name Yuwr. I am looking to trade. Can anyone tell me what kind of pretty pets I could get for him please :)

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The one thing about pet trading is to be patient. It also helps if you post what you are seeking for your pet (e.g. seeking Pirates, Maraquan and Chocolate only.) With a lot of bumping, I'm sure you will be able to trade Yuwr for a lovely pet. :)

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Thanks for the suggestions! :) the only thing i fear when adding a "seeking..." part is I have no idea if i'm over asking! :)


try the below website. it gives you all of the paint brush colors and how each neopet will look painted. click on the brush to see what pets can be painted that color (99% up-to-date as neopets adds new ones from time to time) and then click further down to each pet to view new and old poses.




hope this helps!

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If you don't know what is an acceptable trade then just say seeking anything. You might get a lot of under offers but who cares they are nice bumps to a board. Eventually you will get some good trades. That's what I do.

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