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I can't send this neomail, it says "ERROR : Do not send messages containing profanity, sexual terms, or other inappropriate content (including religion, politics, cheats, hacks, and password scams) on Neopets!"


Can someone help me edit out the offensive word? I'm baffled and would like to know what's wrong:


"I really like my elephante - surprise! one the most. I wished for a bag of peanuts in the well and got it! I couldn't believe it. I applied for the meowy lend today, but I'm far from full collateral and only have 150ish posts...we'll see"



Edit (sorry to be long)

This one too:

Ah yes, Lever of Doom was a total nightmare. More than being an NP drain it's just SO BORING and tedious to keep pulling the lever. I just had a tv marathon while I clicked, but after a while I started to wonder if it was retired or something


You might have an innapropiate word in the last and beginning letters of two words. like for example:


*letters*oba ma*letters*




Try sending a neomail saying something like "ohaider" to my neo account. if it says the same thing, then it's a glitch.


Neopets has been really glitchy lately with the neomail filters.


They've had a history with apostrophe problems though, so I would try removing the apostrophe from couldn't.


Thanks for the advice-- I'll try editing and new neomails. This is super frustrating.


The second one its the "something" that is triggering it - METH is now a filtered word, so any words that contain it also pick up the filters xD To get it through just put a space between some and thing :)


I can't tell at the moment whats causing the first one to reject though.


Wow, I never thought of words within words. That's so over the top o_O


Neopets it's just ridiculous at the moment. They're disallowing words within words when yesterday I saw at least 10 complete cheaters using programs to get trophies and avatars.



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