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Moltara Worms


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I couldn't find the black one, and then, a week kater, it was there, but i forgot to take my lamp out of my SDB, worm gone:-(

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Oh that's why. When I read TDN guide for it, it seemed you had to find them in one day by refreshing. D'oh


You can complete it once a day. I do it every single day, now that I know my times for the more rare worms.


What happens when you get all the worms? I think I tried a long time ago but just gave up.


You fill the lantern then go in a dark cave. You receive an item that's used in making the petpets are Tangor's Workshop.

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You fill the lantern then go in a dark cave. You receive an item that's used in making the petpets are Tangor's Workshop.


Oh, that's neat! Is the item usually worth the hassle?

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  • 8 months later...

Ok, so like everyone else, I am having some problems with my worm quest. These are the colors that I have right now:

Red,Blue,Green,Yellow,Orange,Purple,White,Pink, and Rainbow. I was just wondering do I have all the worms or am I missing one? I've been trying to find the Black worm,but no matter how many times I've refreshed (which has been a lot) it still never shows up. I noticed that someone said that they have times for when they appear, I would just like to know when does the Black worm show up? I would really like to finally find this stupid worm. If you could help me that would be greatly appreciated. @(^,^)@

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