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Big Brother 13!


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Anybody watch this show besides me?


I'm enjoying this season, but not nearly as much as I could be because Rachel won HoH tonight and I'm so sick of her. I was hoping that Brenchel be nominated this week because Brendon is sexist and Rachel is a bit insufferable.. It's still much better than BB12, though.


I'm rooting for Shelly and Dani.

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This is my summer addiction. I even get the live feeds every year, I'm obsessed. Rooting for Jeff and Jordan. I can't stand Rachel either but as long as she doesn't turn on Jeff and Jordan I'll be alright with her being in the game.

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Anybody watch this show besides me?


I'm enjoying this season, but not nearly as much as I could be because Rachel won HoH tonight and I'm so sick of her. I was hoping that Brenchel be nominated this week because Brendon is sexist and Rachel is a bit insufferable.. It's still much better than BB12, though.


I'm rooting for Shelly and Dani.

Big Brother fanatic here! Have been watching since season 2. I've even got my own site dedicated to spoilers and such. /nerdtastic


It does suck about Rachel winning - but look at the competition LOL Not much really compares to her and Brendan, and people who are similar are in her alliance.


BB got cancelled in our country when a racist comment was made on our celebrity one :(


I miss it! Might have to start watching the American version ;)

lol Really? It was cancelled last year. Jade made those comments back in 2007-ish?


Plus, the new BBUK starts up again in August and bascially runs till winter :D Can't wait for that either LOL *claps*



This is my summer addiction. I even get the live feeds every year, I'm obsessed. Rooting for Jeff and Jordan. I can't stand Rachel either but as long as she doesn't turn on Jeff and Jordan I'll be alright with her being in the game.

Heck yeah feeds! Totally team Jeff/Jordan as well. <3

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I'm glad someone else gets the feeds! Do you watch the other shows on superpass too like Happy Hour and the others? I love watching those too haha.

Sometimes :D

I miss Missy's show from last year that she did from her living room. I used to always ask questions hahah

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I don't watch the feeds but I follow a BB community on livejournal so I stay updated anyway. I started watching at S10 and I've been addicted every summer since and watched a few old seasons on Youtube haha.

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Woot! This thread is more acti than the one I made on another site xD


Rooting for: Rachel, Brendon, Porsche


Don't Mind: Shelly, Kalia, Lawon


The rest are alright to me =) I can't say I dislike any.


@Tank Girl: BBUK is coming back this Summer! On Channel 5 =)

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Rooting For: Jeff, Jordan, Dominic


Dislike: Brenchel, Kalia


Rachel is so annoying. Seriously. >.< She can't even handle the truth. Cassie was so nice and completely up-front with both Brendon and Rachel. Rachel only got mad about one single comment about Porsche. Which, btw, where the hell is Porsche? They don't show her AT ALL in the episodes. anymore. xD I forgot that she existed until she voted for eviction.

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Cassie was unfortunately evicted, true. Putting Kalia and Lawon up would have saved unnecessary emotion. They should show more of Porsche because from what I've seen, she seems fun and entertaining. Rachel wasn't shown in the best light this week, I didn't like that, like last year, she wanted to play with emotion, stupid emotion at that, rather than with her head. She nearly ruined the alliance.


Remember though, the producers want us to see what hey want/think is entertaining, I heard Cassie wasn't so great either, whining all the time.

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By the way, you guys with the live feeds and before-air info, please don't list any spoilers as to nominations or who won the veto. :( I like the suspense.

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BB got cancelled in our country when a racist comment was made on our celebrity one :(


I miss it! Might have to start watching the American version ;)


Never got cancelled. After however long it's been going on for, Channel 4 must have gotten bored with it (finally) and sold it. Five bought it off them and it set to release soon.

May see how much Five changes it, but I hate Big brother. Just hate how they have it on 24hr.


3:15am: Everyone is alseep, someone wakes up to get some water.


Surely there was better things to show in the morning.

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Never got cancelled. After however long it's been going on for, Channel 4 must have gotten bored with it (finally) and sold it. Five bought it off them and it set to release soon.

May see how much Five changes it, but I hate Big brother. Just hate how they have it on 24hr.


3:15am: Everyone is alseep, someone wakes up to get some water.


Surely there was better things to show in the morning.


They must have sold it because of the Jade Goody fiasco. They got a lot of bad press for that. They said they were having one more series then that was the end, but huzzah! I still have a chance to go on it ;) hehe


I do agree with the Big Brother Live crap that they did. It was all that was EVER on E4 for the whole summer! ¬_¬

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I saw the new eye and the advert. Not sure what to think of it just yet.

Was Jade really the cause? All the specials I've seen seem to suggest it was because of lack of viewers/C4 not giving them what they want (when they cut the live feed etc).

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Big Brother 13 USA Airtime:


20% Actual Game

40% Rachel getting her way and being a snob.

40% Rachel crying.


I just want this episode to get to the point. <_<

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Cassi never really whined. But her and Keith are still in sequester. Fingers crossed for a vote back!



Oh, what?!? I didn't know they were sequestered. I hope Cassi comes back in the house. I really liked her. I'm rooting for her, Jeff and Jordan. Can't stand Rachel. I want her and the Donato girl out of the house. Brendon's OK (so I'm wondering why he wants to marry Rachel. Love is weird).

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I'm hoping Cassi ends up coming back as well. Out of those evicted so far I definitely think she was the best. I want Dani out as soon as possible. I can't stand her this year. I'm trying to remember why I ever liked her during season 8.

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I didn't read too much into the fact that they were sequestered because Annie/Monet were sequestered last season, but Chenbot said that America's vote will impact the game or w/e next Thursday, so somebody probably is coming back... hopefully Cassi, but it'll obviously be rigged for Brenchel or JJ if one of them is out tihs week.


Yeah, Dani is a lot worse this season. She won last night's HoH and it looks like she's targeting Brenchel, thank god. I want Rachel out. Brendon is insufferable and a horrible person but he can be pretty hilarious to laugh at.

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