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Nice random people on Neopets


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So I've been saving and saving for an Island Kacheek Morphing Potion, valued at a few million.


Today I saw one on the TP for a bit less, so I offered on it.


I literally offered every np in my bank account. lol!


The owner neomailed back and not only accepted my offer, but also decreased a bit because, he said, he "didn't want to leave me broke." awwww


and then he said "Let me know when you morph Havana, I am excited to see what she will look like."


AWWW! It's so nice to encounter total strangers who are so nice!


You share your own "nice Neopets stranger" story now!

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The first moth i played neopets, i played games like it was my life, so i had pretty much NPS

I was browsing through the shops (old fashioned, non wizard way) and saw my first codestone, it was 30000 nps, i thought it was a fair price, so i bought it.

The person from whom i bought it contacted me about it and asked if i was new aand didn't know the ptices of a codestone

After a bit talking, he bought some junk boot from me for 25000 nps, i really appreciate it that e did that:-)

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wow .. he's very nice :) I can't wait to see Havana as well :)


well .. I have lots of stories :D


- my korbat , darkintuition , was morphed because a nice stranger sent me the potion .. it was worth 300k ...


- Peopha's petpet , Aiyana the Kazeriu , is named after the girl who sent it to me ...


- my gallery has lots of really discounted items from people who wanted to help me add to it ...


- when I won Gallery Spotlight , some people sent me NC gifts ... I still have them .. I especially love the sea weed dress ...


- a NF from the USA keeps sending me all the NC items I need for my gallery .. and that's really the nicest thing ever , because it's real money .. you know ? well , she was a stranger when she sent me the first NC gift ... but now she's one of my best friends ...


- Pending :


still waiting for that kind soul who will lend me MSPP/BGC :(

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I've received random gifts from strangers before- I can remember getting some pasta and a scratchcard (not from the same person xP) before. The pasta was actually from someone who created a Neoboard topic I replied to, and the scratchcard was from a total stranger.

It's not much but it's something ^_^

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Aww, that's really sweet! :D I love when strangers on the TP are nice rather than haughty resellers :P


I like random gifting, myself, so sometimes I've been the person who lurks the boards and gives out SLM pieces (this was before they were given out as a prize code :rolleyes_anim: )


It always makes me happy to get a gift from someone, but it makes me happier to give random gifts :)

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I remember when I was still trying to get my faerie xweetok, and I saw one for low on the TP with a "neomail me to haggle/will go low for morphers", so I neomailed them & asked about the lowest they would go (I was only at about 1.5 mil at that point and they were going for about 3 mil) and while I still didn't have enough (2 mil was what he wanted) it was really nice to see someone drop their prices like that for someone who just doesn't want to resell.

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One of mine happened not too long ago.


I was surfing the TP when I saw someone had 8 Gourmet Cooking For Your Pets and so I neomailed them asking how low they would take for one. 15 minutes later I had an alert saying the person sent me one. I was so shocked! I felt bad so I bought a bunch of overpriced things from their shop!




When I was on a FFQ I needed an item that everyone had posted for 1.5 mil. At the time I had little NP. I had saved up to 645k when I neomailed someone just to find out how low they would go and set my goal there. I was expecting for an answer like 1.35 mil or something close to that but I got a reply of: "Well, how much NP do you have?" and so I told them and they replied: "650k". I of course then went and played games and immediately offered. I thought that was nice.


Well, those are two of my stories.

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The nicest, I would have to say a former TDN/Neopets member decided to leave Neopets (I'd never really talked to them before) and out of nowhere, they sent me a Ghostkerchief Bomb to help with my Draik fund.


And yesterday, I ended up trading NC items. (2 of my Wonderclaw items for the Hand Carved Candle Dress) And after we traded she sent me a NM thanking me like crazy, and sending me the name of the pet, to show what they looked like on her. I told her I wanted the dress for my Draik after she was painted Faerie, after painted Desert, and that I was about to paint her. She wanted to watch me paint her and helped with customizing her afterwards. :D

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One of the nicest things anyone has done for me was someone from here. He got a faerie paint brush (when they were around 3.6 mil) and he sold it to me for 2.5 which was everything I had at the time. That was super helpful.


Also I love when people donate things to my gallery. I haven't been given anything super expensive but either way it is the thought that counts.

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Someone on the neoboards, draconyt (I don't remember how to spell his username) lent me his snowflake for the avatar without collateral or anything just "here take it, just send it back" (only to realize I had a snowflake myself in my SDB when I cleaned it out after packrat). It was a nice gesture, I guess I don't get around too often for nice gestures - but I was very .. not sure how to explain.. elated =)

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I used to own a pet called Hyperiona, and because I only wanted her for an avvie, I pounded her after a fortnight or so. I kept checking back to see how she was doing, and someone then adopted her, originally intending to zap her and then re-release her; when Hyperiona became the Island Zafara, her new owner decided to keep her in the end, and I thought that was a really sweet thing for them to do :)


Item-wise, I got sent a Titanic Squid and a Small Giant Squid once from the same user; they had read The Squid Farm, fished those two squids that day, and then decided to give them to me. I've still got them in my SDB actually :D it amused me endlessly for the next few days

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Awh. Warm fuzzies. I love nice people on the TP. I've gotten things for cheaper because when they specify "neomail to haggle" I actually take the time to mail them. Once I got a lot of stamps worth about 500k for 300K because I mailed rather than lowballing offers.

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