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No Plot Today?


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Chances are it wouldn't have been today anyway. Very unlikely that they would end the altador cup then reveal the next plot straight away.


My prediction is they altered the map to excite and wanted to listen to the speculations and ideas (or just funny stories) we will probably get a introduction on friday?

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Chances are it wouldn't have been today anyway. Very unlikely that they would end the altador cup then reveal the next plot straight away.


My prediction is they altered the map to excite and wanted to listen to the speculations and ideas (or just funny stories) we will probably get a introduction on friday?


I am not waiting till Friday! I want one now! XD Or maybe Wednesday!

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If it's released friday, it has to be like the altador plot, long, and availabe a long time, i'm on holiday and summer camp for 4 weeks... It starts this saturday:-(

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Gah, the suspense is killing me.

To be honest, I don't want this plot to take place during the summer- I'll be on-and-off vacation for a while so internet connection will be very spotty. But if there is a plot, chances are it will take place during the summer. :/

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I think it makes sense to release a plot during the summer. I mean, you'd rather have people slacking off during the summer doing a plot than have them slack off during school right? Haha! Just a thought.


But I echo the others here saying that it probably won't be released for about a week more? Altador Cup DID just finish, you know...

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I remember in the good old days when plots were very rare and special occasions. It surprised me when I came back to neopets that plots just ran one after the other. I wouldn't mind a break so I can do other stuff, like try to get game avatars. Call me old fashioned :P

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I think it will come in the weekend or something like that. AC just got over so it might even take a week or just a few days. You know it might not even be a plot. Maybe its something stupid like....I have no idea.

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So I haven't been on Neopets in a few years...why are there so many plots now? Like dasavo said, they used to be rare and exciting...now we're getting a new plot a few days after the Altador Cup???

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