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Okay so I really want a job in retail. I'm a little confused about "dress codes". Let's say that I have to work a job with a dress code(I'm not going to college)that goes against my normal clothing style. Can they fire me if I don't dress that dress code in my personal life? For example, I'm a Mallcore/Mallgoth(don't worry I'm not one of those vain "I'm mallgoth, I hate preps, blah blah blah Marylin Manson is my hero)types but anyway. Let's say I have to work a retail job where I wear prissy florals and heels and as soon as I get home I put on my Mallgoth attire and go out to buy groceries or even a Neocash card and a co-worker who IS prissy and fufu sees me. Would they fire me?


Oh and P.S Marylin Manson is cool but I'm a TBM, MSI fan.


Get a job at Hot Topic or something; if a place doesn't like the way you dress, then IMO they're not worth working for.


Not that I...actually have a job, or anything :sad01_anim:


I've been lucky enough that most of the jobs I've had haven't cared about purple hair or piercings but I have a wig at home just in case. You can't get fired for what you wear out of work but they can come up with some other reason to fire you if they really don't like it. I'd keep the lookout for a job where you feel more comfortable. I worked at a call center for a year and they didn't care what I did. Synthetic dreads, new lip piercings, the works as long as I didn't wear cut up clothes so depending on where you live you might be able to find a call center job thats okay with being more expressive.


p.s. tbm and msi are amazing. :3


the dress code is meant to be used at work time only, where your shift is on.

you cannot get fired for that, like if you did that on your working shift, you are considered just breaking the "house rules" and subject for the disciplinary act, which will not lead to termination.

other than that time, you are free to wear any attire you want.


Now I'm worried about asissted living. Since I can't drive due to a medical conditions, I'll need rides to work. What if assisted living doesn't let me carry on with my lifestyle? My mom said as long as I'm not smoking pot or shooting up they won't care what I do.


It kinda depends on what area of retail you're aiming for. If you're working for a shop that has a good reputation (one of the shops where rich people shop etc) They may get offended if you turn up to work (even if you are planning to get changed etc) Best advice, so you don't have to fake yourself, try and find a shop that suits your style.

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