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Tank Girl

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I assume it's the wheel of extortion's avatar :P


Congrats!! It has a pretty color scheme :D

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sweet .. I just saw you using it on Neopets and came here to congratulate you .. I knew you had to post about it haha


I'll play now and edit with my result :





that's the second time in a row (i played it like 3 days ago) ... 6th overall ...



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Aww Angelo :( *hugs*


It's okay, the wheel hates me too. I just gave up on it, since i don't like the avatar enough to keep trying :P

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Congrats! It took me 12 days straight to get the avatar. I lost about 800k of that. And I've only used the wheel once since I got it. It's such a nice feeling to have it. :D

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Congrats on your avatar... I have only had one spin on that wheel as I have been hoarding nps for collateral for loans of some items for other avatars. I can't even get the wheel of knowledge avvie and those darn grumpy and wise kings are driving me insane

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