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Time to come out..


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I decided it was time to introduce myself, because I really dig the way these forums work and the people that regularly write seem very nice.


I have been playing neopets for around 7 or 8 years, though my first account got frozen, because I was stupid and naive. I still miss my pets but have since moved on :D


I am an honest person and I try my best to be just and to examine every point of view. I respect every opinion so long as it does not involve discrimination on the basis of race, sexuality, religion and the likes.


I enjoy cooking, writing, reading, playing the piano, swimming and philosophical debates.


Let the fun begin! :D

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Welcome :)


You enjoy playing piano? Are there any composers that you like?

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Hey bro! Same here with the piano! What grade are you in? I played continuously when I was young but have stopped about 3 years back because I moved to a new country and the piano fees here are gawd-expensive.


Anyway, welcome! :)

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Thank you, my welcomers! :D


For favourite composers: to perform - Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi; to listen to - Schubert, Schumann, Peter Glass, Rimsky-Korskakov... the list goes on, I generally enjoy classical music very much.


As for grade, I am about to begin my second year at university studying psychology :)

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About time you joined us at TDN. The name's Neomysterion, and I've been a Neopian for 9 years.

Decent pet names by the way, though mine aren't as decent (except for my Grey Jetsam Nifuel). :P

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What I lack in decent pet naming I make up for in love for all my adoptees lol.

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Welcome to the forums! My original account on neo was frozen too. :( Hope you enjoy it here! I'm sure you will!



Better than losing the password to an old account though eh? That's waht happened to my original account. But my current one is much better, and I am very careful not to get it frozen. Though since I made my guid with my friend, I have gotten warned quite a bit. LOL.

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