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I have way too much food in my SDB, who wants some food?

with http://primaryschoolict.com/random-name-selector/ I can easily choose who wins which prize.

So participate now, tomorrow everybody will get their prize.




food_applejuice.gif apple juice

space_cherry.gif cherries jubalee

pumpkin_pie.gif pumpkin pie

spooky_donut.gif spooky doughnut

d_food18.gif bronto bite

food_sodcake.gif dirt pie

food_desert4.gif ummagine (2x)

food_desert11.gif scarab cookie (2x)

food_toast_boiled.gif boiled egg on toast

med_berry_8.gif super juicy berry (2x)


if there are less participaters then prizes, people will get more prizes per person :king:

please participate :laughingsmiley:


I'm gonna participate ... not because I want free stuff .. but because it's fun to see what I'll get ... :king:


I want participate...because i allways keep forgetting to feed them and because i'm all out of food! Sorry guys. :guiltysmiley:


I'm in! I would love free stuff! yay!


Just tried it out. I saw that there were 12 of us that are joined now (including myself) and so I tested it out as myself being the 6th option. I had a 1/12 chance and I won on the 4th try. Though it is random and my placement may change I have come to realize it is completely random. Then I placed myself as the 12 person saying that I joined last and thought that was most likely would be placed there. So I once again tried and it took 10 tries. So, I can say that if you are last your chances are slimmer. I learned though that you have to try any experiment 3 times to test it. I then tried it again and I was the 1st option then. It took 13 times till I landed on my name. So I can determine that the middle of the list is a great place to be. So yeah. I was curios. Though now the creator of the contest may read this and be careful on who he places though I would say that they shouldn't be because the numbers are so random that it is impossible to guess the best place to be. Which I would realize makes my conclusion of the experiment inconclusive. So no matter what the chances are fair so don't worry about it being rigged! ^_^ Image: Iwinz.png


apple juice=darkobsession

cherries jubalee=geoterza

pumpkin pie=piticent123

spooky doughnut=wistiria12

bronto bite=psychopiz

dirt pie=dcoolbananafan

ummagine (2x)=cookiethelion and 48066

scarab cookie (2x)=dasavo and opalescent

boiled egg on toast= iamthewalrus95

super juicy berry (2x)=duchness of naught and kryshasyrin


because there weren't enough prizes, i'll add some extra prizes :king:


Lemon Jelly: shoyruhadouken


I'll send the prizes this afternoon





i've send the prizes to your accounts, if somebody haven't got his prize, PM me then :laughingsmiley:


I'm glad you all like your gifts, that's why i did this :laughingsmiley:


'Till next time :king:


yeah, i haven't got really much np :laughingsmiley:

but, i'm really lucky at the money tree, as a hollander, i can say that it's 7 hours later here then in america.

so the snowager stuff is at 3 pm for me :king:

and because of that, it's not really crowdy at de money tree when i'm on neopets.

sometimes there are give-aways from people at the money tree.

once, i clicked, and what did i found in my inventory: 3 petpets and a P3, i'm so lucky.

so maybe, there will be another give-away, another time, just keep looking for it :laughingsmiley:

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