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HELD OVER .. is this good or bad ? :O


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Your Neopian Times submission



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Dear Angelo,


Thank you for submitting to the Neopian Times. Currently your submission (note: i removed the name to keep it as a surprise) is being held over and may be considered for future publication in the Neopian Times. There is no need to submit your submission again, as it is saved by the editor.


... does this mean I'm in ?? I remember they sent me this email when I submitted my Gallery for the Spotlight and I actually won ... :rolleyes_anim:

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I think that's the standard message to let you know that you're in. (: Otherwise, they'd send you a rejection notice. But the last time I submitted anything was years and years ago so it could have changed by now.

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I got the "held over" note for a poem I submitted last month. Still haven't heard anything back since.


if it's for a special day , then they must be saving it for then ... but my article is not for a certain occasion ... I hope it gets published soon :guiltysmiley:

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Its not bad news - it means exactly what they said, that they like your entry and that they just didn't have enough room to publish it this week. It doesn't mean you are in for sure, but its the first step... about 80% on entries given that notice ARE published.

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YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! thx Izzy :D


they better publish it .. I spent a whole week writing it :worried:


or maybe Snowflake will email me to tell me to fix some things ?

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No. If you got that notice, it means that there isn't anything to change - otherwise your notice would have said vaguely what was wrong and invited you to resubmit once you had fixed the problem.


For example, my AC comic that was published today got that notice last week... because last week's NT was the 500th they had lots of issue 500-specific entries to publish, and no room for mine given that it wasn't related to the special issue. They published my comic this week instead. For my previous entries that received that mail, it has taken up to 2 months to publish (though they have all been published eventually). I have heard from others though that occasionally they don't get around to publishing things that they've held over xD

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Congratulations! That's pretty exciting news. :yes: My first NT story got held over, which worked in my favour. I submitted it early in December, and it ended up being published in the Christmas issue, which earned me a special prize.


Generally, getting held over means you will get published, just not in the next issue.

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awesome , thanks everyone for the encouragement .. I feel more confident now ... I have a good feeling now ...


NomNomNom I just read your story ,,, its really good :rolleyes_anim:

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