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Nose typing!


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defihitely easier on a laptop. going cross-eyed though. and can't capitalize

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Well, for one I didn't know CAPS LOCK was on when I started :*


It's supposed to say "I've never tried this before" :P

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i've done this before ithiink , on gaiaonline. i've also done ty ping wit h my toes.


Darn chin hitting the spacebar and stuff. xD

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cornhflakes, whatttt wsere o,u ddeveeeeeeeeeexn ttrying to sel""""""'''''''''''''''''"?// you h ae ting mive a vranslllatiimon .


What is this i dont even (again)


Translation: Cornflakes, what were you even trying to spell? You have to give a translation.


(from here on, bold the horrible ones that are funny. xD)

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let mje trvyt this bgame out, bplease?

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thyis is weirds beyiond rreliuef.

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I rock at typing with my nose but I can't use punctuation... Well, question marks or exclamation points.



^LOL! I took 40 minutes to type that! I backspaced, caps locked, and arrowed with my nose!

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hello guys from chicaggo1

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i bam also from FL.


neomysteriion, iroji call, myj sister w5as sing in a sonhg vavo-uuuutv wshenhyou waied that. xED


Translation: I am also from FL. (supposed to be an exclamation point, but i couldn't do that.)


Neomysterion, ironically, when you said that my sister was singing a song about Chicago. xD

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Translation: Wow, I'm from GA, we're practically neighbors!

Erfkh. Caps lock fail. Thought I hit it at the m, and I'm not sure, but isn't looking at the screen cheating? D: D:

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