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Rank all the AC Teams

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I think this will be more fun if people base their list on who they really do/don't like. Meaning factor in more stuff that just what teams are the "best." We all know who the most successful teams are, so if you just play to win, then I guess that's who you would pick. I thinks it's more fun if you think about their back stories: the lands they represent, team colors, favorite characters, sportsmanship, etc.


I realize not everyone will want to take the time to rank all 18 teams. But I think it would be cool to get at least peoples top and bottom three.


Here's my list:

1. Virtupets - Obviously. Best color combo, IMO. Great back story. Slogans are great, support graphics are amazing, and I love my fellow V-pets.

2. Shenkuu - Great support graphics and slogans. Plus, they are ninjas...enough said.

3. Maraqua - The wave. Again great support graphics, and a pretty good back story. Also, I never met a Maraqua fan I didn't like.

4. Roo Island - Fun and Funny little Blumaroos, you just have to love them, and another team with a cool fan base.

5. Lost Desert - It's the ultimate power house team. Great support graphics and very cool characters. And if you watch Naruto...the Hidden Village of Sand.

6. Faerie Land - Didn't use to be a favorite, but since the makeover I really like what they have going on.

7. Haunted Woods - Another great power house team. Color combo is fantastic, and the slogans are choice. My birthday is on Halloween too, so I'm partial to HW.

8-13. Tyrannia, Kreludor, Terror Mountain, Mystery Island, Moltara, Altador - Don't have much of an opinion or anything interesting to say about these guys.

14-15. Brightvale & Merridale - too me these teams are too similar and therefore kind of boring. I usually forget about them.

16. Kiko Lake - another team I forget about. I'm not a fan of Kiko's and it doesn't seem like this team has a very active support base.

17. Darigan Citadel - have to hate on my fellow minions here. Sloth vs. Kass minions...I just can't get behind you DC.

18. Krawk Island - Sorry KI you are just too popular! Everywhere I look there are pirate fans, and not all of them are nice.

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1. Shenkuu (my team)

2. Maraqua

3. Kreludor

4. Virtupets

5. Haunted Woods

6. Roo Island

7. Lost Desert

8. Moltara

9. Mystery Island

10. Meridell

11. Tyrannia

12. Terror Mountain

13. Altador

14. Krawk Island

15. Faerieland

16. Brightvale

17. Kiko Lake

18. Darigan Citadel

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1. Virtupets: Of course I'd put my team in first :P Plus, we have Sela Pretore and Weldar Xupenfarb, two of my favorite players ever to be in the Altador Cup.

2. Meridell

3. Kreludor: I like them mainly based on performance and less on characters.

4. Haunted Woods: I just love Haunted Woods...and the fact that they have a Meerca as their goalie. Can it get any better than that?

5. Altador: I like Altador, I believe they should place a little higher though. I actually played for Altador in 2008, but didn't do much. xP

6. Lost Desert

7. Darigan Citadel

8. Shenkuu

9. Krawk Island: They would be slightly higher if they didn't retire Dasher.

10. Maraqua

11. Moltara: Vere Polnicek = awesome. I don't care much about the rest of the team though.

12. Brightvale: Kayn Hireck is frickin cool, and Montecito is pretty hardcore. xD

13. Mystery Island: There's really nothing special about them imo.

14. Kiko Lake

15. Roo Island: The reason why I despise this team? Fenny frickin' Vail. I really like Jair Tollet though, she's awesome. :D

16. Faerleland: They would be a little bit higher if they didn't change their logo. :c

17. Terror Mountain

18. Tyrannia: I just don't like Tyrannia, period. Loryche is the most annoying player in the Cup, next to Fenny Vail. Ugh.

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Phil, why you be hatin' on the Minions? :P




1. DC

2. LD

3. KI

4. FL

5. MQ

6. KD

7. MI

9. SK

10. HW

11. AL

I love all the other teams equally. Plus I haven't spent much time on their boards so I cant really judge. :P

And incase you hadnt noticed, I prefer large teams.

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1.Terror Mountain (my team of choice for three years now...Go Chillers!!)

2.Darigan Citadel (team I almost went with when signing up)

3.Haunted Woods




7.Roo Island

8.Krawk Island

9.Virtupets (really hoping they don't beat TM's Shootout Showdown record from last year with their record in this year's MSN)

10.Faerieland (an underdog team, but I like the pretty colors @_@)

11.Moltara (they seem cool, pardon the pun...now if they could just get their sea legs...)

12.Lost Desert


14.Tyrannia (Terror Mountain's rivals!)

15.Mystery Island



18.Kiko Lake (they always seem to be the one's getting in TM's way...they broke our SOSD streak last year and delivered an upset on us this year! This time...it's PERSONAL!!!)

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1. Lost Desert of course.

2. Kreludor. If I was forced to switch teams I'd definitely join them. Finals buddies to the end.

3. Moltara. You gotta admit, the fire steampunk thing is pretty cool. I wish them better luck for the future.

4. Darigan Citadel. So evil and yet so cool. I fear playing them, but in a good way.

5. Maraqua. Well you guys do have Lamelle now so there is respect to be shown.


Near the bottom...I'd put Altador, Tyrannia, and Mystery Island down here. I don't see a lot of self confidence out of these teams personally.

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1. Moltara- My team, of course. Steampunk + Lava = WIN!smile_anim.gif (plus we have a Relic colored member! +1 for us! And look, Magma color! +2)

2. Lost Desert- My previous team before Moltara was discovered. Played with them for 2 years.

3. Krawk Island- Cool colors, but liked them better when Dasher was on the team.


4. Shenkuu- Ninjas = automatic win. EOS.

5. Haunted Woods- Zombies = automatic secondary win.

6. Terror Mountain- Sideburns. That is all.

7. Tyrannia- Now that they have a Krawk, there's a positive for that team now.

8. Meridell- They've been strong, and like the colors as well.

9. Brightvale- Like the badge/emblem design. Simple and attractive.

10. Kreludor- Not only do they have twins, but a great looking team all around.

11. Virtupets- Not as great as their sister team.

12. Maraqua- Colors look nice, but not fond of team members. Sorry. jealous.gif

13. Roo Island- Of course, take ALL the colors on your emblem.

14. Mystery Island- ...What? Had to fill up this slot with something!

15. Darigan Citadel- Pretty strong team, but overrated beyond imagination. :|


16. Kiko Lake- No variety in pets there at all!

17. Faerieland- They were down here, and now's the time to bring them back.

18. Altador- Only because they tossed Moltara into the pit called "18th place". Still pretty ticked off about that. grrr.gif

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1. Shenkuu - Obviously because I support them.

2. Moltara - I like the magma color, and of course, my sister supports them.

3. Krawk Island - My old account's Neohome is located there.

4. Virtupets

5. Mystery Island

6. Terror Mountain

7. Lost Desert

8. Brightvale

9. Faerieland - I like Elbin Kroe for some reason.

10. Kreludor

11. Haunted Woods - Not too fond of them.

12. Roo Island - Ehh, I'm not too fond of the Rooligans.

13. Maraqua - I find Elon rather overrated.

14. Darigan Citadel - Too popular for my taste.

15. Meridell - Barely has a visible fanbase ... not to mention that we lost to them a few days ago.

16. Kiko Lake - The fact that they're above us ticks me off.

17. Tyrannia - Only because Loryche is an extreme ball hogger in Yooyuball for me.

18. Altador - They're doing pretty badly ... and they're still above Moltara.

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18. Altador - Just like what Piticent123 said, team Altador sucks, and why are they still above Moltara?

I think the only thing keeping them afloat is their incredible Slushie Slinger record. The've racked up more wins in that one game than Moltara has in all their games. Oddly enough, take that away and Altador is doing worse than Moltara did last year, if that's even possible. I mean, 21 days in and Altador STILL has a 0-0-21 record in both Yooyuball and Shootout Showdown? And only 2 wins in Make Some Noise? Even with their Slushie Slinger record they should be ranked last...they're doing horribly.

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I think the only thing keeping them afloat is their incredible Slushie Slinger record. The've racked up more wins in that one game than Moltara has in all their games. Oddly enough, take that away and Altador is doing worse than Moltara did last year, if that's even possible. I mean, 21 days in and Altador STILL has a 0-0-21 record in both Yooyuball and Shootout Showdown? And only 2 wins in Make Some Noise? Even with their Slushie Slinger record they should be ranked last...they're doing horribly.

I agree with you, man.


At least Moltara has won in all four games.

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Haunted Woods , My team this year

Shenkuu, Because they were my team last year

Mystery Island, My friend's team




Krawk Island

Terror Mountain



Darigan Citadel


Roo Island


Lost Desert

Kiko Lake



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Hey, Altador is a cool team. They got some great members. Ever been to TOGA? ^^

I'm not saying the team is bad, per say, just that whomever comprises its supporter base is really dropping the ball this year (no pun intended). I don't know if they're ignoring all the games and focusing on Slushie Slinger or just not playing at all or what, but it's not helping. Looking at the records, I do believe this is the worst Altador has ever done and like I said, take away their Slushie Slinger track record and they'd be so far behind LAST YEAR'S Moltara it's not even funny. I know they're only 17th and more than likely won't be crawling up from there (unless some of the Tier 4 teams falter), but it's just ridiculous.


And no I haven't been to TOGA. I'm new to all this. Well, I read the TDN articles last year for AC V, but I didn't actually sign up and start posting til now. :)

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My list

1.Terror Mountain-my team

2.Faerieland-love yooyuball team and colours

3.Roo-Island-jesters are awesome

4.Brightvale-wizards are awesome

5.Shenkuu-ninjas are awesome

6.Maraqua-like the techo

7.Lost Desert-like the place

8.Altador-the original team

9.Mystery Island-natives are awesome

10.Moltora-have cool paint jobs

11.Tyrannia-dinasours are pretty cool

12.Haunted Woods-like there creepiness

13.Kiko Lake-cute

14.Krawk Island-pirates are average

15.Meridell-knights are bland

16.Virtupets-stupid robots on team

17.Darigan Citadell-brother is on team

18.Kreludor-stupid looking captain



that is my list

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1. Maraqua- my team, my favorite color is blue, love ocean related things :snorkle:

2. Shenkuu- ninjas :ph34r:

3. Krawk Island- pirates are pretty cool

16. Darigan Citadel- kinda full of themselves alot

17. Haunted Woods- they're all creepy :(

18. Kiko Lake- Kikos are taking over the world

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I'm only going to do the top and bottom 4, because the ones in the middle are just... there.



--- top

1. Virtupets -- I have always always wanted to join VP, but years ago I could not handle being on a losing team. This year, I decided to join them anyways (because I don't care about winning much anymore, was in it for the fun). And behold, we're doing great. Also red and silver = great colour scheme and their emblem makes graphics really easy. Their chat group makes me feel like I fit in (weird references and stuff that I actually get!)


2. Kreludor -- Space is cool. Also, they have one of the best colour schemes in the cup to me. Their emblem is really neat as well. And, they have pretty neat team members. :)


3. Lost Desert -- My main pet is painted LD, they were the first team I ever joined, I really like the feel they have. Their chat group is super friendly.


4. Terror Mountain -- Joined them once; I love snow. Taelia is awesome. Scratchcards! :P The captain is really neat.


--- bottom


18. Darigan -- they have a pretty unmoveable rep. And I don't even mean just their players (though it's mostly true for them). Darigan is supposed to be mean and evil. Not for me.


17. Roo Island -- Too colourful, too comical (never been a fan of comedies), not a fan of roos :(


16. Faerieland -- Too girly, too ... soft... (though the colour change helped this year)


15. Tyrannia -- They seem so large and bulky, and dislike their colour scheme. And the land is ... well caveman-like. :P

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I see some Pirate haters on this board, but truth is when talking about teams to rank; There is only #1 and it Krawk Island all the way :D

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1. Shenkuu (my team) - love the colors and the attitude

2. Maraqua- the colors are awesome and they are really good at all the games. They have the potential to win the cup, too.

3. Faerieland- when I first saw AC, I was all, "FAERIELAND FTW!!!" Then I saw the descriptionn..........and joined Shenkuu. ^^ Shenkuu was my second choice anyway. I was having a lot of trouble deciding faerieland or shenkuu.

4. Virtupets- they are a great team, and definately a hard team to beat.

5. Meridell- good spirit


I'm lazy, so I 'm only doing t he top five.


Bottom 3:


Darigan Citadel- They kinda play dirty............my opinion, though.

Tyrannia- they just....aren't my type

Krawk Island- kinda arrogant in my opinion

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I think Krawk Island, Kreludor, Virtupets, Roo Island, Shenkuu,Darigan Citadel, andl Lost Desert are the top teams. I beileve even though I'm on Krawk Island that Darigan Citadel is the new Krawk Island because to me it seems like all our old old good players from back in AC 1 traded teams to Darigan Citadel. I also think that Virtupets and Kreludor are the new Roo Island, Lost Desert, and Shenkuu. It's just me but it seems like everyone form those teams are trading teams to the others. I don't know, but I've only met people on one of these 7 teams so far.

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