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Saphira needs an avatar and signature set.


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You all know how I've never really put in a "real" signature (which is what what ignorant says). I'd love to have a set, yet I'm unsure of how to arrange the signature. This is where the contest comes in! Whoever can create the best set for me (avatar and signature) will win a bottled faerie. The 2nd place winner will get a random food item. :D Here's my info:



Cheese :D

Color blue

Zelda: Twilight Princess graphics (for more info PM me)

And kittens. ^_^




Any kind of bug


And TBC's bragging.


I would prefer not to have anything in the dislike list. ;P As for text, on the avatar, I just want my name (Morgan). For the signature, just about anything that fits the picture best. :D Get started!

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Ok this shouldnt be too hard im in!


Can we add a quote to the signature?


Mod Edit: Please don't double post.

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i cant decide weather todo zelda or kittens >.< maybe ill jsut do one of each, lol

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Should we just post them in this thread?

thats how ever other sig/set contest is ran

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Haha, I don't think so, TBC. At least make it something without your name in it, or any other stupid thing. <_<


Yes, post all of them on this board. :D

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Heres my entry, the avvie didn't turn out as well but ok.





Siggy:(It doesn't count as a double entry because it's the same pic.)





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That's very cute! Great job! ^_^


EDIT: BosS has made his entry, but cannot post it, so he asked me to post it for him.





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That's adorable, Isabel! ^_^


REMINDER: This contest ends tomorrow, so be sure to get those last-minute entries in before 2:00 pm NST. ;)

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