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Gosh, I feel like it's impossible to get! Restockers are so quick that I barely even ever see an item that's of a high enough rarity let alone have a chance to buy it. S:


Speaking of avatars, Turmy's awake right now if anyone wants to risk their petpet. P: 7 - 8 nst


I want that avatar too, but I gave up after a month of trying!

Maybe I should go for it again...


I got that one a couple of months ago, was really really lucky!


It's definitely one of my favourites :D Good luck, I hope you get it ^_^


Ugh ugh ugh.

I tried so hard for that avatar for like, a week and then rage-quit. XD

I knew nothing of auto-buyers and then someone mentioned it to me whilst ranting on Neoboards, and I was like: .... RAAAAGE QUIT.

So I haven't tried since. -_-,

I really really ought to.


And ooh! Ooh! I just recently got the Turmy avvie. :D :D It's so shiny and...

Well. Facing facts, I'll probably never use it.

But it's nice towards my count. c:


Yupp! Those pesky autobuyers S: Sometimes I think about staying up until 4am or something and hoping that maybe the restocking nuts will die down and I'll have a better chance!


I'm pretty good with catching Turmy when he wakes up but he's yet to eat a petpet.


The luck/chance ones are always frustrating to me, I'm horrible at Kiss the Mortog somehow so I've yet to get that avatar.


i feel really fortunate now, i somehow squeaked by with getting this one in my first day of trying. @__@ granted this was a few years ago, so i guess the restockers weren't as hardcore back then. definitely try late at night/early morning, which is when i got mine (and how i fed my one and only kadoatie <_< ). you'll get it in no time i'm sure; good luck!


I got this avatar after minimal effort.


Basically stalk the shop for a few weeks to get a feel for good/bad rarities.


Next, wait until half price day. The shop moves WAY faster and the chances of you seeing more R90 items in the time you're online is much higher.


Don't look at the item picture, or the name, just look at the price. Have 5000 already copied so as soon as you see the price point of 5,000 nps, you can paste it in.



After stalking the shops for a few weeks, there was one time that I had almost got the avatar when it wasn't half price day but i stupidly typed in 50,000 instead of 5,000 lol


I never even tried for the chocolate factory avatar yet. I really hate restocking. And what are autobuyers? I never heard of that before.

I got Turmy a few years ago I think. I'd follow a guide for when Turmy is awake, so I would try every day. Even going every day it took me quite a while to get it though.


It's not impossible . Just as Hrtbrk said , I got it on half-price day .. wasn't even paying attention to the Rarity .. I just liked the item (Chocolate Balthazar) and bought it for 2500 np :wub_anim:


Some good advice in this thread...I think I'll have to give this avvie a proper go sometime soon, but I truly despise restocking - the refreshing bores me to no end!

Same here, I'm really tired of refreshing over and over again, only to see the same old common items.


Thanks for the advice guys! I'll try and go for it again. (:


It's not impossible . Just as Hrtbrk said , I got it on half-price day .. wasn't even paying attention to the Rarity .. I just liked the item (Chocolate Balthazar) and bought it for 2500 np :wub_anim:



Yes, have 2500 on copy and look for 2,500 - not 5,000 LOL!


Thanks for the advice about half price day! I thought it would be harder then because more people are in the shops.


I've been trying to get the avatar for a while now, and all I've got to show for it are great resell items. I guess it's one of those (extremely) rare avatars that actually require you to make money instead of spend it.


PS as a student I'm always up at all hours, and somehow that shop moves fast at all times, even past 4 am where I go to school. I went to Europe though and it occurred to me, hey, I'm 9 hours ahead and in the chocolate shop... no wonder it moves all the time!


Lately all the neopian shops have been stocking much slower than they used to (probably due to fewer users restocking in shops overall), so I agree with the above advice to try on half price day.


Restocking is the main thing I do on neopets so this was one of the first avatars I got. Patience is key and getting it is easier than it appears to be.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm, I tried on half-price day and the stuff that was rare enough still seemed to be priced around 5000 np. S: It was frustrating and I didn't manage to nab anything that would get me the avatar, but I made some decent np by restocking.


I hate trying to get this avatar because a] I keep being beat by autobuyers last second, b] I'm just a horrible restock time keeper. I don't have the patience =.= I still don't have it. QQ


i decided to start a chocolate-gallery, so i just keep trying, and i'll buy every cool-looking chocolate item so... i just keep trying until i accidently( :laughingsmiley:) buy a rare one :king:


Aw, the chocolate gallery's a good idea! Great motivation. :D


Yeah, I get pretty impatient too. Refreshing gets boring real quick haha.


I want the chocolate one so so so badly. I WORK in a chocolate factory, so I think I deserve the avvie. XD

Every time I try for it though I end up giving up in disgust. *sigh*

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