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So, what are you listening to now?

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It was nowhere near as bad as my brother's house, he had around 6 inches of water. We only have enough here to just annoy us and keep us busy. But now it stopped raining and got below freesing so the flow has stopped. Now the pond (that our backyard is when it rains) is turning into ice, still too thin to stand on right now.



I'm listening to this thing here. I'll post a site that has a link to it.




It's 25 minutes long, but worth it (or maybe not...)


Bwahaha and I got to escape all of our good ole' Illinois' flooding (the day it REALLY got bad) and relax in sunny, warm Florida. And then come back to find all the flooding gone. How wonderful, eh wot?




Fame < Infamy - Fall Out Boy


So What - P!nk


My friends and I always rock out to this song. xD


Ooh, you just reminded me I need to buy P!nk's new cd, so I can find the one song on there that I can sing the best, record myself and post it to hopefully win her contest.


Like that will ever happen.


Here We Go Again - Paramore


Breathe - Nickelback


One of their earlier songs. Chad's voice squeaks a lot in this song, but it's still good. ^_^


Dyer makes the best music... but nothing beats the dish washer...



I am listening to "In the Doll House" from a Silent Hill Soundtrack


Citizen Soldier by 3 doors down... wait the song changed! Leave out all the rest by Linkin Park.

Very good songs.


When my time comes forget the wrong that I've done...


So pretty

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