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TNT pet peeves


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Mine is when they have to review a score. (Not that it happens more than once or twice in a year for me anyway...) One, I sent a score for Ugga Smash and it was a high score. Then like a week later, I got the NP and forgot i even played it...

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Haha, amen to that, Cornflakes.

My biggest pet peeve is probably my guild and the censorship we take. For a long time it was the stupid apostrophes thing, and then they'd crack down on you for linking directly to something...now I can't even mention other sites! It's ridiculous. (And, of course, I;d want to mention sites such as tdn or facebook for linking to things or being able to IM and not worry about swearing, etc. I am a pottymouth.)

However, perhaps my favorite fruit of all of this is the funny talk we end up having to bend around the censors.


*Let me clarify. I love my guild. Love love love them. Like you really have no idea. ♥ Otherwise I'd be long gone from Neo, but here I am!

It's the censorship that I absolutely DESPISE.

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Specifically, I hate them because:


1. Their customer service redefines a whole new level of the word 'horrid.'


2. Though they deny it, they are freeze-happy and treat players unfairly and unevenly.


3. Their so-called Terms of Service is mired with loopholes and grey areas, which is common, except they punish users for mistakes in the ToS instead of fixing the problems.


4. They've browbeaten everyone so severely that we're terrified to even speak out against them for fear of being frozen. In that respect, TnT has become the modern-day Stalin.


In summation, they are hypocrites and liars who have strangled nearly everything fun out of the site.

I would like to note that TnT wasn't like this before Nickelodeon took over.


I myself have stopped spending real money on the site. We can whine and complain, but the only way to bring about change is to hit people in their pockets!

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Yeah.. I don't like the censorship either

I guess this site was created for college students, so why are we coddled like were 4?


One thing i really REALLY hate (and i know this is neo not tnt) is the chat restriction on key quest


TNT should really implement an over 18 account or something like that where users can chat freely in keyquest


its so hard to vent my frustration when i have to scroll through different options..and even then it gets interrupted because the turn changes

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Eh. Having been on the other side of the fence I understand.


Neopet's biggest issue as far as censorship goes is that they don't have a minimum age limit. Yes, you have to be 13+ to access all parts of the site, but they still allow people under 13 to use the site. Due to restrictions put in place by COPPA Neopets has to carefully limit the content that young children have access to, hence the censorship.


I've never interacted with the customer service, but I am inclined to be sympathetic with them. I've been in their shoes and done their job and it's not an easy one. For every nice person who's ticket you pick up there will be 20+ rude people who actually have broken the rules and done something wrong who you have to respond to. No, I'm not excusing poor customer service, you need to try to give a positive experience to both your good and bad customers, but I can understand.


Every ToS had grey areas and loopholes. It is up to the site moderation and staff to cover these loopholes and say when something falls in the grey area. The ToS is not intended to be an end-all item. It is meant to be fluid and the interpretations of it may change as a website changes and grows.


I myself have no issue with TNT, I do my best to follow their rules seeing as I am on their website. If I don't like it, well, the internet is a big place.

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I think my biggest issue has been the customer service as well, especially in relation to fixing bugs. I've nearly stopped sending in support tickets because the times I have, I get an automated response every time, then if they actually do look into it (if it's a more unique issue), I get ONE reply suggesting a solution, and then my ticket never gets replied to again, even if I reply stating that the solution they gave me didn't work. I've had far more success coming to TDN forums or even googling to fix problems. That and the bugs that they have been aware of for ages that still haven't been fixed, notably buggy habitariums, and the issue with some of the shockwave games, mainly Gourmet Club Bowls which nobody has been able to play in quite awhile. I think someone mentioned in the editorial how TNT keeps coming up with new items and plots and events, but they're not fixing the bugs that continue to be a problem. They said it was because people are hired for their different skills and we wouldn't want graphic designers and such doing coding, but if that's the case, they need to hire more people to fix the problems, or people are going to stop playing. Phew. Rant over :)

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You all make great points. I must say, all I do on neo is play games, chat on the guild board, and mind my own business. I dont really try to communicate with TNT that often. I make occasional mistakes like yesterday. Yesterday, I tried to tell my guild that "to tell the truth, team Altador sucks" and I can get kind of frustrated when they sensor words like suck. I sometimes just wanna say, TNT, I'm out of that stage where 'Shut up' is a taboo. I wouldn't be saying little things like that if I knew I was in a guild with little kids anyway. But clearly by everybodys' spelling and vocab skills, I'm not. I do think they need to create a seperate sensor to detect that stuff, because I dont want to wait a month for them to not approve the word (I mean it's not Prez. Obama is in the guild and the conversation is all that important...). But you all make great points. I guess I have a better perspective about why everybody hates TNT so much...

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No one even uses sucks in the context that TNT is thinking of. They're thinking it's dirty, when really, it's just slang for 'it's bad.'



Today has been driving me INSANE. I mean, items are taking forever to load, Habitarium is broken, and Neopets aren't getting transferred right?

It sucks.

((Haha, take that, TNT.))

And I had an awesome Darigan Wocky transfer ready today. >_>

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I hate TNT in general, I guess that's a popular opinion around here.

Well, anyway, I freaking hate the ticket system. I was having problems with changing my e-mail address for my account ever since January of this year, I sent in 2 tickets that month and didn't really get any good replies. So, I waited four months to send in another ticket and got a halfway decent reply. Even then, it took three days for the ticket to be answered, and well...the solution I got was somewhat obvious, but hey, it was better than the last two responses I got.

I also hate how people can get temporarily (or even permanently) silenced over saying harmless things or barely even saying anything at all. In conclusion, I hate how there is a limited number of moderators for the Neoboards. A big, spammy place like that deserves as many mods as possible. Granted, that would take some of the fun out of the Neoboards, but they have needed tidying up since...forever.

I've been a proud Neopets user since 2005, and frankly, I'm shocked at how everything's changed over the years, mostly for the worse, unfortunately.


*steps off soapbox*

tl;dr: I don't like the ticket system, strict silencings and lack of mods on the Neoboards.

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Some of my pet peeves with TNT is the ticket support system and the chat filters.

I've sent in several tickets over the years, the majority of which are never even replied to. One being the fact that I completed the Altador plot over 2 years ago and have never received my trophy/avatar/theme for it. All that work and I have nothing to show for it ... And then there was the little incident where I got a warning that my side account might get frozen for using inappropriate name(s) for my pets. The thing was, the neomail I got was written entirely in Portuguese, a language I have never spoken or can even begin to understand. Luckily it was eventually sorted out, but still, I had to wait about 2 weeks for a reply, causing me to sweat each day that my account might get frozen.

As for the chat filters, those are just getting ridiculous. Two occasions where I've tried to put in a message and it has gotten blocked include the phrases "as good as" and "turned me on to". The later in reference to a software program (whose name I did not mention) and how a member of my guild turned me on to it.

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