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Altador Cup Screenshots!


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YooyuBall pwning!


Slushie Slinger Slushies being slung!


Shootout Showdown Goal!


Make some noise, before and after...


What are some screenshots you have?

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I have one screenie ready for the support of Darigan...



Oh, and here's another one I thought was a good screenie moment.


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I've seen some weird things before, but I just noticed this a while ago and just got around to grabbing screenshots of it today. For some reasons my forwards randomly switch between Vonde Cayle and Derbi Azar. Anyone else have this happening? LD's default is 2-2 so that might be why it does that in 1-3, but it's still kinda odd.






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  • 2 weeks later...


Is it just me, or does Lor Benneveldt look like he's fallen and can't get up?


Facepalming Salayne.


I just love the way this turned out ok.


This is my best score against Kreludor.


My best score against Krawk Island.


My best score so far.

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@Neoman I see it now! Lol the goalie looks like he is screaming!


@Futurexvirtupet Yeah, I saw what it looked like and had to get a screenshot!


EDIT: Got a pic: 1u.png

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Definitely got a glitch while playing today. I got the Glove power up and lost the ball, letting the other team score on me. Yeah, waste of a power up I know. But wait! All of my players stayed giant for the rest of the game! Twas awesome. Yet Oten is still as big as all of them...




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Did anyone else (on DC) notice this? But I have to say this: Go DC! ( I needed more words XD )


Oh and I am proud to say I made my first animated Gif!




^that is avatar sized!

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About time I posted my screenshots..


This one is a big fail. I wanted to see myself beat MI in their own formation and ended up failing. XD. HEY! I'm used with 2+2 and 1+3! At least I didn't end up losing. :P




This one shows Mirsha scoring a goal. The light thing is a fail. XD. Is it just me or does it seem like Mirsha is the twin of KD's team captain?




This one shows Foltaggio scoring a goal!Is it just me or does it seem like Foltaggio is a relative of the Krawk Islanders. XD.




Antola scoring a goal! She likes to jump a lot. Maybeshe he wants to become a Blumaroo.




Larcy's not only an awesome defender but also an impressive scorer! The light thing is much better here then in Mirsha's.




It seems like Mirsha, Foltaggio and the trio defenders of Haunted Woods are doing their best to climb up the wall and escape from Antola! (on the left side of the picture Antola's body is cut and you can't really notice that its him.) And the Goalkeeper of Haunted Woods is also terrified! Hahahaha. Just Kidding. Antola's awesome.




So Yeah. That's all I got.

For the highest quality, see the screenshots here: http://s1097.photobucket.com/albums/g353/jjosephsays/Altador%20Cup%20VI/

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