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Unreleased Petpets and Potions!


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So they made more royal petpets? I knew anubis was gonna be one of the royal ones, but the rest were kinda unexpected. The faerie ones look cute :D the potions, i was hoping i could get them in the magic shop but they weren't there :(

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So they made more royal petpets? I knew anubis was gonna be one of the royal ones, but the rest were kinda unexpected. The faerie ones look cute :D the potions, i was hoping i could get them in the magic shop but they weren't there :(

They're haven't been released yet, thats why you won't be able to find them restocking in any shops.

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I like the faerie petpets!!!! and the royal candychan is from Shenkuu?????

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These royal petpets are a bit sloppy in my opinion .. they're just sticking some random clothes and tiaras on original colored petpets instead of creating a whole new regal look ... the first 4 were much better ..... !!!


and I think the Faerie Djuti is very pretty :)

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