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Fountain Faerie Quests


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So I have been on neopets for over 9 years and i have YET to get a fountain faerie quest. SO i am curious to how many people on here have had one? And what did you end up painting your pet?

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I have been dieing to get one. The other day I got a water faerie quest and I thought that it was the fountain faerie because of how similar they look... I got my hopes up. :*

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i'm DYING for one of these quests. I'd be willing to pay millions just to paint my grundo mallow. :ohno:

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If i ever do end up getting one I don't think that I am going to paint a buzz for the avvie. I mean out of ALL of the neopets TNT had to pick the ugliest one of the all Buzz... I have even looked at all of the colors that you can paint the buzz and non of them are appealing to me.

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I got one fairly recently, and I used it to paint my shoyru Sephrenia, maractite. She's totally awesomely beautiful. I think it's only worth doing a FFQ if you either get a cheap item to give her, or are painting your pet a really expensive color, like mine, or pirate, or whatever. :D

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Almost at 10 years, still haven't gotten one.


However... I have to take into account that I didn't play for a good 2 years (iirc) besides the once and awhile check up.


If I do ever get one, I am deffffinitely going to get the item, don't care how much it costs.

I don't really know what I'd do with it though, tbh....probably woodland cybunny or maractite hissi....

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I got 2 within the same month (April 9 and Arpil 16 of 2011)

I was really happy since I came back after 2 years of inactivity xD

I was lucky since one items was 17k and the other one was 25k.

Got a Maraquan Gelert and Alien Aisha~


Most of my dreamies are Royalgirl so FFQ was useless for that.

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I got one during the Faerie Festival, I got so excited I bought the 800k item without hesitation! I used it to paint my Moehog Island which is what I really, really wanted and I'm so happy with him :)

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In 5 1/2 years, I have yet to have a FFQ. Since I have no plans for painting any of my pets, I will likely use my first FFQ that I get for the Buzzin' avatar.

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I got two actually when my account was younger than it is now


I used the first one to get a Pirate Buzz (for the avatar) .. then someone offered me a Robot Hissi for it and I accepted ...


the other one I used to make a Plushie Kacheek as a dreamie for a little Neopian girl who offered me an Alien Aisha in return ...

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Guest Yoshinho

Try not to refresh too much because TNT can sometimes get suspicious even though it is rare that it happens.

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