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Here's how I did for the Darigans today:


Goals Scored- 34

Goals by Layton Vickles- 22

Goals by Tormo "The Terror"- Frein 2

Goals by Kep Bonnefie- 3

Goals by Tandrak Shaye- 7

Saves by Reshar Collifey- 9

Number of Wins- 3

Number of Draws- 0

Number of Losses- 0


Faerieland is easy to hammer when you have a fierce Hissi like Vickles on the team.

I don't know if driving this team to victory would occur if we come across some tougher opponents by the way...

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Let's play guys and keep the chat to a minimum ;) I'm at 14 YYB, 5 MSN, and 28 SHSH.


Well, I just pwned Faerieland! 1k-1.png?t=1306963127 Proud to say this. Faerieland will not rise up from the dust. Also posting my current scores: Goals Scored 107

Goals by Layton Vickles 27

Goals by Tormo "The Terror" Frein 11

Goals by Kep Bonnefie 16

Goals by Tandrak Shaye 53

Saves by Reshar Collifey 54

Number of Wins 9

Number of Draws 0

Number of Losses 0

Slushie Slinger

Games Played 1

Top Score 293

Make Some Noise

Games Played 1

Top Score 293

Shootout Showdown

Games Played 5

Top Score 3,718


the results are glitched right? There is no way that half of the teams won everything and the other half won nothing

  On 6/2/2011 at 11:34 AM, Scartic said:

the results are glitched right? There is no way that half of the teams won everything and the other half won nothing

They fixed it... Though we lost at slushie slinger...


Meridell pwned us at everything except for Make Some Noise, I have very good tapping skills by the way.

Don't let Brightvale fool you, and don't let their Nimmo manipulate you in this current matchup.


Is it a real Skeith playing for Meridell?


I feel I'm doing horrible. I woke up really sick yesterday, but I'm feeling so much better today and will go beat some people now. xP Hehe. I don't like that slushie game, but I'll play it more since I tend to skip that one the most... *whistles innocently*


We get to clash against the Altador Team today? Another easy one for me, except for that Wocky of theirs, which is an okay thief if you ask me.

I've overplayed myself to get to Rank 1, and hope to increase my rank a bit more before the day is over.


By the way dcoolb, that Skeith is for Brightvale, not Meridell.

  On 6/4/2011 at 8:54 AM, Mr. Gimmick said:

We get to clash against the Altador Team today? Another easy one for me, except for that Wocky of theirs, which is an okay thief if you ask me.

I've overplayed myself to get to Rank 1, and hope to increase my rank a bit more before the day is over.


By the way dcoolb, that Skeith is for Brightvale, not Meridell.

Oh yeah, but to me he looked like a different neopet in a Skeith suit!


I've been upping Darigan Citadel's reputation a pinch this evening with some more Yooyuball plays and side game plays as well.


Yooyuball Wins: 68

Slushie Slinger Wins (legit): 22

Make Some Noise Wins (legit): 102

Shootout Showdown Wins: 42


Even our own Darigan Yooyus tend to deceive us Darigans, but we have to pull together if we want to make Altador Cup history again!


...and I almost have enough NP for the Darigan Paint Brush for my Hissi Hiss_Dragon05, too. He's going to represent us TDN Darigan supporters for the cup.


Well I have decided that when a darigan yooyu comes along I am towards my goal and it 50% of the time shoots backwards into the enemies goal.


Man we have to up our game if we want to pwn the Rooligans today, and got to Rank 2 before I have to go to work, yay! onigiri_cheerleader.gif


Yooyuball Wins: 75

Slushie Slinger Wins (legit): 25

Make Some Noise Wins (legit): 105

Shootout Showdown Wins: 45


I'm going to play some more when I get to the public library after work, and bring in more support for Darigan Pride.


Oh my goodness... When I first saw today's results I just blankly stared at it for a few seconds then I felt like crying of joy. A sweep against the Roos. The best I would have awaited was a draw or a win at YYB with at least losses in the side games but never a sweep.


Kind of strange that we got Shenkuu today, anyways... here's my current standings:


Yooyuball Wins: 100

Slushie Slinger wins: 36

Make Some Noise wins: 183

Shootout Showdown wins: 52


...and now Hiss_Dragon05 (my newly-painted Darigan Hissi) is now looking the part for the Altador Cup, come on out and support us!

That is, next to Ryan's Darigan Hissi Vickels...



Shenkuu is here! Lets play so much! Lets make Shenkuu players cry!


The DC Mininos board scores are looking pitiful today. WERE NOT PLAYING A 4TH TIER TEAM, MINIONS.


We will not settle for 4th tier, never. The Darigans are too awesome to quit, period.


I reached Rank 3 before the Neopian day was over and here's how I'm doing:


YooyuBall Wins: 110

Slushie Slinger Wins: 50

Make Some Noise Wins: 240

Shootout Showdown wins: 58


Clawing my way up to a rank a day is hectic, but it's worth getting the Altador Cup Points!

If we play more (or pencil in more time to play more), we can pull off a perfect victory just like we did with Roo Island and Shenkuu.

Now it's time to show our prowess to Team Moltara today.


If we also manage to sweep Moltara today we will have a nice combo of three so I really hope people don't take them too lightly and just take a break from playing.


Somehow this makes me sad but then again we at least lost to a powerhouse like KI and not a weaker team. I won't have much time to play today but I'll do my best to support DC. Never give up, never surrender, that's my motto since two Cups now and that's also what I stick to.


C'mon Minions, this is the biggest match we've had so far. VIRTUPETS IN UNDEFEATED IN YYB!

Not to mention our MSN record is on the line~

EVERYONE NEEDS TO PLAY THEIR HARDEST TODAY. That means ranking up multiple times!

50 YYB games is the minimum that should be played if youre going to try that. This is only 30 minutes. ONLY SEND WINS AND DRAWS.

And if you're doing side games we need 100 MSN from everyone. Its not that hard. Only 20 minutes of playing for 100 games of this. Minimum score is 3000.

If you wanna win this stop being a cheerleader and jump into the gaming section. Cheering the players on doesn't do anything, playing makes the difference.

Everyone needs to take one for the team. I'm boycotting YYB this year and even I did 50 games, plus i'm maxing MSN.


Ryan, timing has changed for YYB this year (obviously), 50 YYB games is almost 3 hours for the average person. o_O


Not if they're good at it! ;D

Which I am not... Still though it took me about an hour and 15 in total.


No wait, I did my math wrong...

Still though, It should only be about an hour and a half. -shrug- Thats not too long if you have TV to watch too.

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