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If you have read alot of my post you probably know I buy my pets toys every single day, right? Sometimes after I'm done playing with them with a certain toy I'd leave it in my inventory and sometimes, when I lose track, I accidently play with them using the same toy twice in a row! Then, I thought to myself "Instead of keeping all of my pet's toys in the inventory, why can't I do this?: After they play with a toy, I should put it in my saftey deposit box and do the rest with all their toys." This is so much easier than just playing with them all(sometimes 3 times in the row with the same toy, like I said, I get distracted easily) and then cleaning all of them up. I still take as many toys as I want out of the saftey deposit box, but after they all get a chance with a toy, I put it in my saftey deposit and continue that pattern. As soon as they're done with one of the toys in my inventory, I put it away and play with another toy in my inventory. Smart idea or what?


Note: I usually keep 7 to 10 toys in my inventory at a time.


My goodness! That's a lot of toys! Good idea with putting them away when you're done. It will save them from being stolen by the Pant Devil. You should start a gallery or two with some themed toys.

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