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I'm curious about what you guys like to read. It's open game. To start off, mine are the Harry Potter books. Yup. I might be a little old for them, but they were the only books I could read cover to cover.


I'm curious about what you guys like to read. It's open game. To start off, mine are the Harry Potter books. Yup. I might be a little old for them, but they were the only books I could read cover to cover.


Wuw :) same. Other than the HP series tho, I like the Hunger Gamesss


I really love to read! Right now I am reading the Septimus Hemp books and the Redwall books. I am also readling a book on Social media marketing.


I am an enormous harry Potter fan, first series of books I ever read by myself. I started when I was seven. I also like these series: His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan, Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan, and all of Tamora Pierce's books but one. I'm 19, and I am not ashamed of loving fantasy.


Harry Potter is utterly amazing. Nobody is too old to read them! X)

As for my favorite books, I'll always be able to read the Secret History of the Pink Carnation series again and again. I also love Meg Cabot's Mediator series, and a bunch of other teen fantasy books. Ooh, and books about pirates. I just finished "The Pirate Devlin" by Mark Keating, and it was all swashbuckley and dashing and brilliant, and I'm just cracking open "Flint and Silver" by the rakish-sounding John Drake.

Keladry, I know exactly how you feel. I'm 19 too, and whenever I tell people I love to read, it seems they always assume I'm out perusing Hemingway or Proust or something, but I'm all, "Sorry guys, it's teen lit and fantasy all the way for me." (Also your avatar makes me sad about Moonlight all over again. At least I can watch Alex O'Loughlin flail around shirtless in Hawaii Five-0 ^_^ ).


Books you ask? I'm not sure if these count as books, but I do like to read GameInformer magazines, as well as GamePro, Tip and Tricks, and Nintendo Power magazines when I get the chance while I'm at the public library.


My favorites:


Anything by John Grisham (My all-time favorite being The Broker.) and Clive Cussler.

The Jack West series by Matthew Reilly

The Destroyermen series by Taylor Anderson

All 6 of D.W. Buffa


And... that's all I can think of right now.


Gawd, I don't know where to start.

I've been a bookworm for as long as I can remember.

Honestly I love classic literature and on occassion the typical teen fiction, like Twilight.


Some of the books I love that were classical, I actually when out and bought them leather bounded xD;


-Grimm's Complete Fairytales by The Grimm Brothers (actually got my 11 year old sister reading this, she loves it because she is a more realistic person when it comes to fairytales. She loves the darker and more cruel version of Disney ahaha)

-The Iliad & The Odyssey by Homer (looove mythology)

-American Gods by Neil Gaiman (a story about Norse mythology with a modern setting)

-The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe (creepy author and his history is disturbing but his literature style is truly amazing)

-The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (once you learn how to read his work and get use to the diction, you'll see how amazing of a writer he was)

-Most of Stephen King's books (I just can't watch his movies or read it at night cause I creep myself out. An ex boyfriend introduced me to this author)

-Twilight (series) by Stephenie Meyer (honestly liked this book when it wasn't so popular before)

-The Sweep (series) by Cate Tiernan (I read this since middle school and still love it~)

-Dark Secrets (series) by Elizabeth Chandler (Also got hooked to this in middle school, dark romance/mystery)

-The Sight & Fell (sequel) by David Clement-Davies (Read this in middle school it was about wolves plus fiction ahaha xD)

-The Chronicles Of Faerie (series) by O.R. Melling's (Really good fiction book, only read the first book but definitely hooked)

-City of Bones (series) by Cassandra Clare (started on this a few months ago, pretty good)

-Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland were some of the first "series" books I started reading.


Most of the books as you can tell are usually a series. I just love reading through a long story because it provides so much detail and I'm just an imaginative person xD;


Fun Fact: Did you know in the original story of Cinderella, when her stepsisters tried to fit the glass slipper they actually cut pieces of their foot so that they can fit into it?

Disney just makes fairytales seem like rainbows and sunshine xD;


I am a MASSIVE bookworm, which is pretty much the reason I'm majoring in English. My taste in books is pretty varied. I like a lot of the classics, but I also really like a lot of fantasy, sci-fi, and horror.


Favorite authors, in alphabetical order because I feel like it:

Jane Austen

Clive Barker

William Blake

The Bronte Sisters

Anton Chekhov

Suzanne Collins

Arthur Conan Doyle

William Faulkner

Craig Ferguson

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Al Franken

Hermann Hesse

Brian Jaques (R.I.P.)

Diana Wynne Jones

John Keats

Stephen King

Madeleine L'Engle

Terry Pratchett

Philip Pullman

J.K. Rowling

William Shakespeare

Bram Stoker

J.R.R. Tolkien


Some specific favorite books:

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

The entire Sherlock Holmes canon by Arthur Conan Doyle (I'm an avid Sherlockian; in fact, my username is a Sherlock Holmes reference)

Imajica by Clive Barker

Narcissus and Goldmund by Hermann Hesse

The Talisman and IT are tied for my favorite Stephen King book

The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett

The Harry Potter series, whose author goes without saying. I don't think you're ever too old for the Harry Potter books -- my dad loves them!

The Lord of the Rings trilogy, although I haven't read it in much too long... author also goes without saying

Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience by William Blake (collection of poems, for those who don't know)


There's more, but I think that's enough for now... o__O


I looove dystopia books such as Brave New World, 1984, A Clockwork Orange, Fahrenheit 451 and stuff like that. Plus there are more varied books I love, like A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, To Kill A Mockingbird.. plus Harry Potter, I'm glad there's so many fans here! :laughingsmiley:


I don't really have a favourite book, but I do have favourite authors.

Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Robin Cook, and many many others lol. And I will read anything


I looove dystopia books such as Brave New World, 1984, A Clockwork Orange, Fahrenheit 451 and stuff like that. Plus there are more varied books I love, like A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, To Kill A Mockingbird.. plus Harry Potter, I'm glad there's so many fans here! :laughingsmiley:

To Kill A Mockingbird was pretty good.

So is the book The One That Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.


I am an enormous harry Potter fan, first series of books I ever read by myself. I started when I was seven. I also like these series: His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan, Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan, and all of Tamora Pierce's books but one. I'm 19, and I am not ashamed of loving fantasy.


Haha! The moment I saw your name I thought to myself, "I bet she's read the Protector of the Small quartet." I'm a big fan of Tamora Pierce even though they're far too easy of a read for me now. (I own most of her books, so it's fun to randomly open one up and reread it in a couple hours if I feel like reading but don't have anything new on hand.) I adore the Harry Potter books. I haven't been reading much lately, so I don't feel like I can add too much to the awesome list of books that people have already added. I've been wanting to read the disc world books ever since a friend recommended them to me, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.


Haha! The moment I saw your name I thought to myself, "I bet she's read the Protector of the Small quartet." I'm a big fan of Tamora Pierce even though they're far too easy of a read for me now. (I own most of her books, so it's fun to randomly open one up and reread it in a couple hours if I feel like reading but don't have anything new on hand.) I adore the Harry Potter books. I haven't been reading much lately, so I don't feel like I can add too much to the awesome list of books that people have already added. I've been wanting to read the disc world books ever since a friend recommended them to me, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.


The Discworld books are absolutely AMAZING, you should definitely read them. -looks at the shelf on my bookshelf that is entirely filled with Discworld- Hehe...


OIEIEEIEII i'm a hp fanboy and im currently on he 5th book and have finished the second film..




I actually name my cy I made today after Hermione (Hurminny, a bit like what Krum calls her)



it's so epic and actually interesting unlike most books.



I like.....a lot of other books though..


EDIT: And the author of HP lives like 2 or 3 miles away from here.




-The entire Harry Potter series, and related spin-offs

-The Forsyte Saga

-Warm Bodies (it's a very interesting take on zombies, especially as it's written through the perspective of the zombie)

-Sense and Sensibility

-Pride and Prejudice

-Mansfield Park

-25 Poems, 3 Receipes and 32 Other Suggestions (An Inventory) by Tim Key (probably my favourite comedian poet ever :3)

-Cautionary Tales For Grown Ups by Chris Addison (the most kawaii comedian ever :3)


im not a hardcore reader, but when i DO read, i like the redwall series, blue like jazz, Fahrenheit 451, slaughterhouse 5, the shack, and the chronicles of narnia. oh a wrinkle in time was good too.


The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. I devoured these books- there are 16 and I loved 'em all. My favorite was probably Four to Score, and now I'm waiting for Smokin' Seventeen.

Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann. Yes, it is a little risque for my age group, but it was amazing. It was so gritty and realistic, it was nearly impossible to put down. :]

Cost by Roxana Robinson. Read this in sixth grade and it was my absolute favorite book at the time.

A Walk to Remember, Dear John and Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks. Not much of a romance novel person, but I loved all of these. Nights in Rodanthe is probably my favorite. :)

Parental Advisory: Music Censorship in America by Eric Nuzum. I originally checked this out to do research for my research paper, but I ended up reading it cover-to-cover. I think that it's the only nonfiction book that I actually enjoyed. :P

Blood Work by Michael Connelly. Read this in seventh grade. I read a lot of crime novels that year. =P

The Pelican Brief by John Grisham. Also read this in seventh grade.

The entire Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney. I think I read each of these books in less than a day. :P

Tithe, Valiant and Ironside by Holly Black It's been a while since I've read any of those.


As you may be able to tell, I don't read a lot of "age-appropriate" stuff. XD


I'm definitely the bookish type! I started reading in kindergarten and I never stopped =)


I love to read just about anything, but I definitely prefer general fiction and fantasy fiction.


my favorite author, overall, is definitely John Grisham. I used to own most of his novels, but a lot of them got stolen... LAME.


other than that, I also love:

-The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice

-The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

-The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

-The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich (I have my boss to blame for this one :P)

-anything about JFK (currently reading JFK and the Unspeakable by James W. Douglass)

-most books on religion (currently reading Living Without God by Ronald Aronson)

-The Book of Virtues by William J. Bennett

-The Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins

-Animal Farm by George Orwell

-The Giver by Lois Lowry

-almost all of Shakespeare's works

-Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

-Wicked by Gregory Maguire

-The Wicked series by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguié

-Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

-Black Beauty by Anna Sewell

-a lot of various English poetry/prose writers

-most Nicholas Sparks novels


a few other books I'm currently reading:

-Lolita by Vladimir Nobokov

-Lord of the Flies by William Golding

-1984 by George Orwell



and I have to say that I do like the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, but I think she's a terrible writer compared to the rest on my favorites list. I've caught too many elementary mistakes to have much respect for her.


Harry Potter, His Dark Materials trilogy, and The Hunger Games trilogy [:

They're mainly the ones I can read over and over again.


Currently reading 'The Immortals' series


all of Tamora Pierce's books but one. I'm 19, and I am not ashamed of loving fantasy.


w00t for Tamora Pierce!! :D Love the icons in your sig :)


I am a voracious reader who will tear through any book pretty quickly. Mercedes Lackey is one of my favorite authors. Sometimes I'll just sit in Barnes and Noble and just read her stuff xD Like most people here, I also love Harry Potter. I still remember reading the first book in 4th grade after getting it at a school book sale (they used to give out Scholastic magazines to us, and we'd pick out books we wanted to buy). I got it and started reading it in the car...and couldn't stop!! I sat in the car while my parents went shopping and read the whole thing. Followed the series ever since, and it's kind of strange to think that I spent about half my life waiting for Harry Potter books :P


Recently, I read the Songs of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, and I'm SO excited for the fifth book this summer! The Wheel of Time series is another good one, and Brandon Sanderson's reboot of the series was EXCELLENT. Pumped for the last book! :D


Used to be a big Eragon fan, but then his writing just got....really meh. It had potential though. My current Neo username is based off those books. :)


Watchmen, 1984, Animal Farm, the Redwall series, Candide, Fight Club, books in the Enderverse...just a few of my favorites. :graduated:


Always open to recommendations of excellent fantasy fiction :)


It seems like a lot of people here like Harry Potter so I'll just go ahead and add myself to the list. :) LOVE Harry Potter. I listen to the audiobooks almost every day and I've read them so many times I think I know the plot by heart now.


I also really like Sarah Dessen books, the Alex Rider series, Pendragon, His Dark Materials. Haha also, my guilty pleasure are like cheesy romance novels that I don't remember the names of but love to read. :)


I also like HP books. Other than that I like to read James Patterson's Maximum Ride series, Rick Riordan's Kane Chronicles series and the Camp Half-Blood series. Nicholas Sparks' books are also great, I've just read Safe Haven and I liked it. James Rollins' Altar of Eden is also a thrilling book, I'll try to read more of his books.

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