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I need to study for my test tomorrow. It's Ethics of Business Leadership so it's real technical stuff and I need to pass this. I made notecards but it doesn't seem to be working. What's the best way to help you study fast and easily. I really need help because I have a least 60 different things to study.


The first thing you want to do is to isolate yourself from any distractions. (Tv, radio, food, internet, phone...)


There are two things that work really well for me, usually. I either type/transcript all my notes and study that document. Even if I was provided with notes from the teacher, I prefer to study my own and the process of rewriting everything helps me to remember. Otherwise, I like to recitate my notes to myself or to someone else. You could try to come up with questions and ask them to yourself, try to answer a question and then go check if you were correct. If you have a really nice friend or sibling available, they could ask you questions too :)


In general, it's better to study in a long run than the day before the exam. A thing you can do is to read your notes after every class or before the start of class. But I guess it's too late for you :P


One of my highschool teacher used to say that if you put your notes under your pillow when you go to bed, it will all get sucked into your brain. XD


I wish it was that easy. I wish I had a photographic memory or something so I could pass them all. it's really stinks this whole college thing haha


Oh I heard of people who just compose a song with everything they need to remember XD Like you would use the rythm of a song that you like, and change the lyrics accondingly to what you need to memorise.


Yes, studying can be fun!¡...


I usually make flash cards of what ever it is I need to brush up on. Then right before I go to bed (literally, I am in bed with the cards) I look over them. I study them all until I can take one or two away because I know them and keep going until I have them all. Then I immediately go to bed. First thing the next morning, I look over them again. It always works for me. :graduated:


I had to study two chapters so I read the first one instead of using the study guide to fully understand it cause it gave examples and such. I feel so much better now. I figure I am going to read the second in the morning, take a little break, then read them again, and an hour before the test, read them once again and then look at the study guide and make sure i understand everything from that. After just reading the chapter once though I have a fairly good idea of most of the stuff. Exciting cause the notecards weren't cutting it. It's too technical to do notecards you need to just sit down and read it. Hopefully cause I did it right before I go to sleep it will run through my head.


Like Xepha said, usually best to study at least a week before.


Either last year or the year before, I also had a studying problem, too many distractions so college overwhelmed me. My technique was (thanks to V :P) the library. If you take everything you need there, you look around and see everyone studying, so you think "If I don't study or walk out straight away, It'll look weird" so you sit there and read, then on the way home just try to ask yourself random questions about it.


Oh I heard of people who just compose a song with everything they need to remember XD Like you would use the rythm of a song that you like, and change the lyrics accondingly to what you need to memorise.


That's what I usually do :D I love writing parodies, so I end up singing Lady Gaga and Ke$ha songs about chemistry hahaha


I find flash cards and Cornell style notes to be really useful and effective.

But I study like 3 hours for every hour I have in class.

In high school I never studied and procrastinated and still was top 5% but in college I changed my habit and study so I can stay top 5%.

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