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Rough week


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I found out this week that an old friend of mine died. He was 20. Last May, another friend of mine shot himself in the chest. He was 24. Suicide is senseless, and feels so devastating. I can't even attend the memorial service because I am in school 1000 miles away. I found out over the phone on Wednesday. I haven't cried yet. It doesn't even feel like it happened. I am estranged from my family, so the loss of my friends is even more painful. I wish they could have known that I loved and supported them.


I could really do with some cheering up. I don't usually post personal stuff up here, but my boyfriend is the only one really close to me here, and he doesn't really get it. He's never lost anyone. And all of my other friends are back home, grieving together. How am I supposed to get through finals and work?




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With grief, the best thing to do is take it one day at a time. Some days will be easier than others and while it may feel like the hurt will never go away, it does get better as time goes on.


Sometimes school or work can actually help you keep your mind off of things. My mom passed away my freshman year of a high school. I got straight A's that quarter because it was easier to focus on schoolwork than all the emotions. It's not goo to lock your emotions away but keeping busy does help you deal with them.


Also, try & talk on the phone with some of your friends who knew the person who passed away or set-up a memorial page in his honor on Facebook or Myspace. Even if you are all far away from one another, you can share your experiences & celebrate the good times that you all had with him.


I'm very sorry for your loss and I hope that this will help you deal with some of the struggles you're having.

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With grief, the best thing to do is take it one day at a time. Some days will be easier than others and while it may feel like the hurt will never go away, it does get better as time goes on.


Sometimes school or work can actually help you keep your mind off of things. My mom passed away my freshman year of a high school. I got straight A's that quarter because it was easier to focus on schoolwork than all the emotions. It's not goo to lock your emotions away but keeping busy does help you deal with them.


Also, try & talk on the phone with some of your friends who knew the person who passed away or set-up a memorial page in his honor on Facebook or Myspace. Even if you are all far away from one another, you can share your experiences & celebrate the good times that you all had with him.


I'm very sorry for your loss and I hope that this will help you deal with some of the struggles you're having.


Thank you. It does help, even if it is just to know that other people have gone through similar things. I know everyone does, but it is good to hear. I appreciate that.

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Like everybody in my family died this year, lol. I still have relatives that are fighting over who gets what of grandpa's meager earthly possessions. Death is crazy painful. Don't let people try to talk you into feeling better. Allow yourself to grieve as much as you need. Honor your friends privately every day.


I am estranged from my family too, which actually makes events like this ten times worse, but it's worth it in the end because my family are a bunch of deranged sociopaths.


Bottom line: Feel your feelings. Be sad. Eat ice cream. Do whatever you need to do to comfort yourself. A few weeks or months (or years) of this and you will be ok. I promise. :)

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One day at a time......

I lost both my parents, my mother when I was 18 and my father when I was 23. I feel your loss. Work and school will help a bit, and you will cry when you are ready to cry and greive when the time is right for you (don't feel bad about that you have not done it yet). Everyone handles greif diferently. Just think about all the godo times you shared with him and know that, he knew you loved him and cherished his friendship.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can definitely relate to you right now. My cousin Kayla committed suicide in January and my best friend Cody committed suicide in September. It's something you have to slowly deal with :huggles:

If you need anything, please don't hesitate to send me a PM.

Just remember, you're far from alone, and you've got all of us at your help.

Take time for yourself, okay? Take a bath, go play with animals, read a book, anything.

::huggles:: You'll get through this. You're a strong person.

You're in my thoughts.

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