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I've come to realize that my dream costumization for my dream pet is impossible. I'm currently striving to trade or at least get the wig for my customisation, the background and the foreground stuff are optional because I'm betting no one would want to share theirs... Can you guys just rate it? Anyway I'm on my way for the choco draik since I have an FFQ waiting... I'm gonna buy the Desert PB and the Royal PB as well...


Here she is: http://newimpress.openneo.net/outfits/5651


Anyways... if you guys have the Golden Sun Wig or anything else other than the PB items and the gown please contact me. I've been searching for one for ages since I realized my dream. I'll try to trade... This is an impossible dream since I don't have NC because my country doesn't get a supply of cards but I still have access to the NC mall...


Come on... share your impossible dreams and maybe we can just help each other make them come true :D


It seems impossible at the moment, but I'd like to get both a Halloween Paint Brush and a Faerie Paint Brush for my Kiko so I can have a Halloween-Faerie Kiko.

Still saving up Neopoints for this...


Awesome dreams guys! I'll try as much as I can to help you guys in any way :D Maybe I can help save up. Currently I'm saving up for the PBs and possibly my Draik Egg and the Lab Map. I'm on my way. If I get excess I'm sure I will help.


@mustardbeanie Oh my! That's expensive. Why not try your luck at Burried Treasure? LoL! You might even win the jackpot! haha!


@Neomysterion That's not that expensive! I'm sure you will get it! I'm rooting for ya!


I'm saving for my second Island Paintbrush so I can have an Island Chomby, I'm about a third of the way but until I get unlocked from Habitarium it just doesn't seem reachable anymore :(


the lockouts are so awful. it's good that they're currently working on a solution i suppose, but it just seems so slow. :/


my dream for now is to own all 366 neodeck cards, and 45+ trophies. still a bit of a way to go. x____X


my impossible dream is completing my gallery ... there are some items that are simply extinct , like the "Spirited Fiddle" and "Wock Til You Drop Stamp" :angry:


My impossible "dream" is actually completing my sibling's intended goal.

Working on getting this look for Ramazu (my little brother's old neopet):




Items can be viewed here.

I am not too worried about the paint brushes (I'll get there, eventually...), just getting these NC items will kill me...

I am worried it's just going to get more and more expensive over time. I wish I bought them when there were in the NC Mall :/

mall_mme2b1_grant.gif MME2-B1: Gold and Maractite Fish Shield

80x80_gate.gif MiniMME6-B: Gold and Metal Gates Foreground


But I am determined to get the look, train Ramazu to be a battledome pet and return it to my brother as a surprise xD (10 billion years from now...)

Guest ErikaChristine

I would like to upgrade my gallery to size 500! It's already at size 65, and it's pretty expensive to upgrade. I have so many items that I want to put in my gallery, and never enough room.


My impossible dream? Probably to get a UC Tyrannian Krawk. Probably not impossible, but will be tough to do. Working on making the jump from converted to UC currently, and then from there it's just trade up and up and up!! :D


Hmm.... My impossible dream would probably be...uh, I'm not sure. XD I'll just settle with getting a gazillion neopoints, then spending those neopets on my "impossible dream" with plenty to spare. XD


My Impossible Dream would be to complete at least one section of my secret stamp album... After seeing what the stamps are being auctioned for I think it is my Impossible impossible dream


umm, let's just say that completing all of my goals is my impossible dream ^_~


I'm currently working on turning Woodwiz into a Woodland JubJub. then I'll finally give Zherane her Faerie paint job she's been waiting on. then will come Skhorne's Halloween paint job (which is my ultimate Dreamie)... I've actually had Zherane the longest, but I'd been planning on making Woz my Halloween Uni when I realized he'd fit the elemental Jubby idea much better... so I just decided to finish his goal out, no matter how long it takes.


when I'm done with those, I dunno what I'll save for next, but my list includes:

*Mutant Draik

*Maraquan Gelert

*Royalboy Uni

*Maraquan JubJub


and several more that are at least 1mil, if not more. hehe. I've been feeling ambitious lately!


@ahtaxotep You can do it! As I stated before I'll try helping but I'm on my way in my own dream right now. Currently at 1.5 million which is twice of what I had 2 weeks ago. And having one island pet is already an awesome thing! Keep going. I know you can do it! Habitarium is optional and lots of rich rich people like the one who won the stamp auction don't even have a level 50 habitarium. So just keep going!


@younggrace Oh my! That's quite a dream, why not lower it first so it doesn't seem that hard. :D Go Grace!!!


@daisy Well.... I kinda think that really is impossible. I'm sure someone already has some! Try for the easy ones first. Because the expensive ones will kill your bank account. The stamp auction had a 144 million bid in just 8-12 hours left! I was like O.o ---> "I would die for that much NP. Imagine how much Draik Eggs I could buy!"


@Angelo/(Solid) Well... you can always ask around maybe some people have one they don't want. :D I'll try keeping my eye out for ya. Still working on my dream though.


@Airiya Wow! That's an awesome costumization! I'll keep my eyes out for those. I'm having a bigger dilemma with my dream as well... No one seems to have the wig :(( Oh how I wish I got it back then! The PBs and the colors aren't a problem for me but the other NC stuff.... curse my lack of NC! DX


@Erika... O.o Wouldn't that cost like millions of NP... Well we're all rooting for ya!


@Barkie Don't say that! The guy who won the auctions had to start somewhere you know! :D


@Piticent... Wait a minute... I don't think that's possible at all since FF usually asks for rare stuff. Pile of dung is special. :D It would be awesome if it happened though!


@Kittyn Being ambitious isn't a crime! You can do it!


Hmm Dream 1: Get all the neodeck cards I am pretty far along but those Holographic and amazingly rare cards are killing me

Dream 2: Complete all the stamp albums but looking at what the auctions of the rare stamps are reaching I have NO hope of that one

Dream 3: Ridiculously silly is having 1 of each petpet I am not even thinking about all the color variations and such but I am not pursuing this one too much


My dream is for an UC Plushie Kougara. And the only way I'm going to get one is though pet trading, something that I HATE doing.

Basically I'll never have one. D;


I want a pet (don't care what it is) that has a name like Pizza, Igloo, Penguin, Karate, Zebra, Cake. You get the point, I want a pet with a name that is a word and has no extras on it. I know it is almost impossible but hey, still a dream!

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