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How Fast Do You Earn Your Neopoints?


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Well...there's putting money in the bank, first of all. I tend to put everything but 30k in the bank before my dailies, so that I'm not tempted to spend it.


I put 15k in the stock market every day. It's a long term investment, but I've probably reaped several million over time that is money that's basically "free" for waiting(I sell at 30).


Right now, Habiturium is a great money maker, I'm at level fifty in it(not hard to reach) and it's running about 20-40k a day, depending how long I leave it running, with about ten minutes of setup at the start of the day.


Games, of course. Even if you don't have a lot of time, it's easy to get 20k a day with a few games, there's a nice page of ratios at the bottom of the dailies page.


There's restocking, which I'm bad at, but I earn a bit, especially since I haunt the bookstore and the Igloo Garage sale, and just throw stuff in my shop, pricing it when it gets full.


But I'll be honest, the biggest thing is just not spending money. Once it starts compounding, it's much easier to build up.

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I play Keyquest when I can get my computer to cooperate, and Kass Basher gives me an easy 3k, or more if it's the featured game.


I lurk the money tree, and sell anything that's potentially useful to someone, in my shop. Like, toys, stamps, furniture, wearables, books and the like. Usually just 1np each, but it does add up over time.


Habitarium, as mentioned, is good.


Really, it's all about finding what you're good at, and going with that. If you are good at restocking, do that, if it's games, then that's the obvious choice.


I think I made about a million neopoints in the last year, and that's without trying to save up for anything, or even putting much more than 10k a day into the bank.

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Games are my primary source. I check the ratios on the 25th of each month, and compile a list of all the games that are an easy 1k. Then I play through them all every day. (But I have a LOT of time.) But I generally will make between 60-100k a day that way.


I also sell everything I come across, that I don't really, really want. And I use the Stock Market as well.


Use the Wheel of Mediocrity as often as possible. I've had days where all day, I got nothing but the 2k and 4k slots. You make tons more from it, than you pay to spin it over time.


And I restock at the Garage Sale on Terror Mountain. Once you have a feel for what's worth it and what's not, you can usually make at least a 1k profit on most items. I've made over 20k profit on some items.

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I make 100-140k a day from habitarium I check back usually around snowager times, 2-7k from dailies and about 15-21k from flash games(kass basher, sutek's tomb, dubloon disaster, tangram, suteks tomb, chia bomber 2, pyramids). Habitarium took 9 days to get to 50(you get about 500k i think from leveling). I wish I put more than 1k in the stocks a day but I want my interest to be as high as possible(about one more month till I hit 10mil). Then I'm going on a spending spree for stocks, full lab map and prob non stop training and BD.

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I actually feel so lame with my "I put about 15k in the bank every day" .... :*


Usually I make my np from flash games (kass basher, turmac roll, fashion fever, etc .. ) um, habiarium (even though I'm not at level 50 yet), and dailies :)

When I have more money I'll be doing stocks and such too

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I make my money from all the stuff I've hoarded in my SDB after 9 years of playing. XD I've found some surprising stuff in there, like Lab Map pieces and PBs (which I have yet to sell).


I also make some money by playing KQ (even if I always lose XD) and by playing the Habitarium. :) The latter is a cute and easy way of earning NP.


Oh! And the stock market too! :D

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I make around 50k from games and (with little profit) faerie employment. The latter I do for the job count more than income. (I am currently around 40th place in the highscore) minus 15k I put in the stock everyday. If there is no 15np stock I don't invest. And when the stock goes high enough up I sell them. I usually make 200k with that but it doesn't happen everyday and I never keep record so I don't know how often it happen.


Habitarium I do, but I don't know how much I make each day but I think not much.


Oh, and 3k from interest.

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Habitarium, games and stock market. I always buy 1,000 shares of a 15np stock each day and sell when they hit about 60, which is pretty often. I also leave habitarium open and make an easy 60k a day (at level 50, although you get alot from leveling up too) without really doing much. Good luck getting your MP, I'm sure you'll have it before you know :)

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