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So today. I finally hit 1 million neopoints in my bank account. I upgraded to Millionaire Platinum. This achievement is kinda lame because spent 3 years of my life on Neopets. Well... I went on hiatus for like a year or something. I would have gotten two million by now if I haven't used NP to buy useless stuff, clothes, pbs and weapons especially during the plot... which was a bad choice... Lol!


Well... more stuff to spend on since I need to buy an item worth 350K - 700K which is the Jazzmosis Biography for an FFQ (if anyone here has one, please let me know, I really need it)


I need to save up for a Draik Egg or at least snag one from the AAA or Merifoods. I need to get two desert PBs one for my future draik, one for my future lutari. I'm wishing that they release Lutaris this year, I really would want one. She will be painted desert... :) I would also need to spend more NP when I buy clothes for my pets. And of course for preparation in case of a new plot... (with more BD) I loved Faeries' Ruin because it didn't have code breaking and random parts, where I usually fail... I also loved it because I got addicted to BD because of it and now, I'm a bder in training. My pet PrinceFlare beat Cybunny Scout on Level 30 with 30 as an HP, the 35 strength boost , the 25 defence boost and some normal weapons. Lol! I got myself an RFFR you see... I would probably spend more NP on Honey Potion, Greater Healing Scroll and Sophies Magic Hat... (hint hint)


Lol! So share your goals and NP expenses!!


I've currently got 3.3mil :) would have been more but I bought 2 lab maps and various items for avatars as well as spending around 700k on training - Woops! Will be good prep for next plot though like you say.

I make about 150K or so a day from my shop and I've got 650k worth of stuff in my trades so I'm hopeful to save! I have loads of goals that are ridiculous, It's going to take me a long time!

I want a Pirate PB, Draik Transmog, Woodland PB, Maraquan PB, Hissi Morphing Potion, Tonu Morphing Potion, Dargian PB :O Gonna be a looooong time before I'm done :O


I've been thinking about a Lutari as well. The only one I like is Maractite though, I wish they had some better colours for them! If they release them on Lutari day I'll definitely still get one though and just wait for a colour I like ^_^


Congrats on saving your first Mil! It's hard work I know, NP tend to burn a hole in my pocket.


I forgot exactly when I hit the one million Neopoint mark, but I think it was on January or February (somewhere between then).

Anywho, congrats on your cool million Ryuusei!


Congrats! I had over a mil once and then I bought the Lab Map. I haven't been able to get another mil since then. I just love spending nps too much!


WTG woot woot, that is a great milestone. Personally, right now I have no asperations other than training my pet so I can get avatars lol. As for pets, I really don't have a dream to own any one inparticular. But good luck with your wish list lol, it's a long one.


Woot!! Congrats on your first mil!! :D *dances*


I'm at 2.4M currently. Would have more but I keep giving stuff to people lol. I bought my Draik Egg back in December, and that wiped out most of my bank account. Then I bought a Royal PB to paint said Draik :P All told, I've probably spent close to 20M xD


LoL! The magic of Neopets... you just can't resist spending... Lol! Might I ask for any tips on restocking Tank Girl? I'm terrible at it! Lol! I will actually need to train some more so I need more NP... Lol! A great way of achieving my goals is through the Alm. Abandoned Attic... Once, I saw... a Maractite Cavern Background... I was like woah! (pun intended) LOL! Ever since that I've never seen any other good thing... Lol


Awesomeness :) congratulations. I've got about 620,000 in the bank and I'm scared I'm gonna spend it on something ridiculous like those 99,999 PBs.. xP


Awesomeness :) congratulations. I've got about 620,000 in the bank and I'm scared I'm gonna spend it on something ridiculous like those 99,999 PBs.. xP


I'm in the same boat. I hate myself for spending...


Congrats on 1mil! I remember when I got my first million...

It took me about five years just to get that many neopoints (ahaha) and I'd like to save up for the lab map ^_^

Now, I have about 1.06mil (spent some of it on PBs and a morphing potion) so yeah, I should curb my spending. =P


Cool pets Rachiee... No wonder you spent a lot. If only we were good at restocking we could get 100K+ every day!


Congrats. I would probably be close to 1 mill right now, but I blew it all on the lab map because I couldn't resist x) I'm just soo jealous of those people who have been on for around a year or two or three, then have like, over 1 mill in the bank. :P


Wow Congrats on your 1million milestone. I remember some years ago I got my firdt million.I had it for about 3 or 4 minutes and then was hacked I had my account frozen and thought about giving neopets up but then decided that would make the hackers winners ..soooo I neomailed neopets and had my account(without the nps) restored and started again I have 3.5m in bank now and am still adding to it. I have helped my granddaughter quite a bit with her neohome items and a lab map pieces so I have done fairly well and am really glad I did not give up all those years ago..


That's cool barkie! It's awesome how you got your account back, you helped your granddaughter but you still have 3.5 mil!


Lol! You shouldn't... I'm not that proud of it... I mean seriously... 2 years and I only have 1 mil... Haha!


a million in 2 years is pretty good, I've been playing since 2001 and still haven't got there yet - I got to 500K at xmas and bought the lab map, & only just managed to make that back,

I just hit 600K for the first time over the wekend


@Jase Lol! Okay! I should be happy then!


@picky cool Chombies, all made on Chomby Day! I'm sure you're gonna paint one Maraquan, which costs a lot...


congrats , the first million is the sweetest ...


however I have money allergy .. whenever I reach 1 mil or close to it ... i spend it ... -_-


Congrats on your first mil :)


I'm still on my way there, I only have about 665k in the bank, and I'm so tempted to spend it all the time! D:

My goals are a faerie draik, a shadow kacheek, a grey chombie and the lab map, so I'll still be saving up for a while ;)


Breaking news! I needed to spend 350K of my million! (Awwwww!) To finally finish my FFQ and get rid of that dilemma. I'll earn those points within a few weeks! Lol!

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