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Has Anyone Had Their Wish Granted?


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I've been wishing every morning, and I'm just wondering if there's some kind of rhyme or reason to it. I thought I read of someone on here that got their wish granted three times. So I'm like...what do I have to do to get my wish(es) granted??

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I've gotten mine granted 4 times. I think 3 of the 4 times, I'd submitted my wish between 6-7 NST (AM and PM). And 3 of the 4 times, I donated 21 NP. (The one time, I donated 50.)


I do it nearly daily, and I've won only 4 times, so it's definitely not fool-proof, but it's worked well for me.

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Have you been wishing for a Transparent Paint Brush?


You can't get PBs from the Wishing Well. (There's a cap to the rarity of the items you can get, and it's believed to be 89 or 90. PBs are above that.)

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I've won a few times: Snorkle Snout, Bag of Peanuts, and Beautiful Columns Foreground :D


In order for a wish to count, I think it needs to be at least 21 nps. The well also won't grant items of rarity greater than or equal to 90. So Paint Brushes, NC items, and most species specific wearables are out :(

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Can't get over rarity 89...that's tremendously helpful, thanks.


It's also brutally suckish. I'm NEVER going to get a Transparent PB. :sad02:


Now I have to think of other stuff to wish for besides Bag of Peanuts.

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I've never ever ever gotten a wish granted by the wishing well ..... then again I don't use it much!


I read from the TDN guides that the well grants 10 wishes, 4 times a day (40 in total).

So, with the amount of people wishing .... odds are small of a wish getting granted :P

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I wish randomly if I think about doing it. I got a Bag of Peanuts once on my old account. I think I donated 1000NP, but the amount doesn't really seem to matter. Just another one of those wonderful random things.

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I did, twice, before the changeover, 101 nps each time. Once a Bag of Peanuts, once a Snorkle Snout, back when Snorkle Snouts were a lot more expensive. Since the changeover, I've got nothing, but I'm not on at those times, so it really doesn't matter.

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I have never gotten anything from the Wishing Well ... but then again I never knew about the Rarity cap ...


that's rubbish !!! where the heck are we supposed to get R99 items if we are not super awesome rich restockers ?!! <_<

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NOPE. I am one of those users who very rarely get a random event, random avatars, and such and have yet to have a wish granted in over 6 years lol. I have to figure out how to change my magnets so it attracts and does not repel lol

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I just had my wish granted about er... two minutes ago. I don't really do the wishing well often. I just started for the three past days, I would wish 5 times in a row 21 nps for a snorkle snout twice a day. YAH!! New avvie too.

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I never have but I'm not very regular about it either. Didn't realise people actually got wishes granted that often.... *runs off to try luck*



I am off also to Wish at that darn well again <_<

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