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Boochi Strikes!


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Today, while visiting the Sidney at the Deserted Fairground Scratchcards, my Aisha, Frostgleam, was the subject of a brutal Boochi surprise attack. Frostgleam has been fired at by Boochi in the past, but this time, Boochi's ray gun struck true, and my lovely Ghost Aisha is now a baby. :(


I am generally not too fond of baby pets, so I am definitely looking to repaint her. She has been a ghost for almost 2 years now. I'm trying to decide if I should repaint her Ghost again (she has been stricken Invisible twice in the past), or should I consider another colour?


Considering the high rate of colour-changing REs she seems to have, I'm inclined to stick with Ghost, since it's pretty cheap. Most of the clothing I have for Frostgleam is rather gothic, so I would want a colour that goes nicely with red, purple, and black. Ghost has been pretty good for that. However, I kind of like the Maractite colour on Aishas too.


Which do you think would look best with her customization?

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Youch...sorry to hear about your Aisha....I find most of the Babies pretty cute, but definitely doesn't fit the theme I'm going for....


I personally love the Maractite look, but it is pretty pricey. If NP isn't an issue, I'd go with that. It goes nicely with the goth look as well, so you likely wouldn't have to worry much about the clothes.

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Maractite is beautiful but I am also partial to to pirate and island, neither of which helps on the cheap front. I do like ghost for a cheaper option but I'm just gonna throwing it out there that shadow is nice for the gothic look too.

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I'm a fan of the Ghost color, since I love the glow around the pet, and the demonic red eyes. None of my pets are painted the color, but I think Ghost goes wonderfully with Gothic themes :)

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I was thinking along the lines Wembly was. I don't know the price, but I think Shadow would be really nice for a gothic themed pet, though I don't know if the dark color would make the black items too difficult to see.

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I was thinking along the lines Wembly was. I don't know the price, but I think Shadow would be really nice for a gothic themed pet, though I don't know if the dark color would make the black items too difficult to see.

I personally have no problems with that. My Eyrie is painted Shadow...Unfortunately, I just don't like most of the clothes for Eyries. lol


Edit: I just noticed that the Eyrie is a tad lighter than most Shadow pets. Hmm

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I have a Shadow Draik already. I find that he's a little hard to customize with gothic clothes; it usually comes across as being overly dark.

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She does seem to suffer from a high rate of colour-changing REs. I'd hate to paint her Maractite, then have her get zapped again.

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If I were you, I would be screaming "WOOHOO" because Boochi zapped :P But seeing that you like the more Gothic look, I think Maracite would just fine. Maracite is a very neutral color (not too cute, not too serious), and if you're scared for her to get zapped, why don't you put another pet as your active? I do sorta get why one might want to keep their best-painted pet as an active though- like raising a level, or doing dailies like Coltzan's to raise stats. Maybe TNT purposely has increased the rate or color-changing RE's for painted pets. :P

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Hmm, this is kind of a tough decision. I really like both Ghost and Maractite. I think that Maractite is very pretty, and rather easy to customize. Frostgleam would be a gorgeous Maractite Aisha. However, Maractite is a bit pricey, especially if I end up having to buy one every year. I don't really want to switch any of my other pets to active, since I want Frostgleam to gain the benefits of all my FQs. Also, my other pets are painted, too - Shadow and Halloween. Neither is very cheap to replace. At least Ghost PBs are cheap. I can usually find one for around 100k.


The one thing I like the most about Ghost is the different facial expression it has: open eyes and a wry smile. There are only a couple Aisha colours that aren't smiling with closed eyes. I think that the different facial expression is really the draw for me.

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Do not worry,it's still cute to be a baby. I am also wishing for a baby aisha. why don't you go to my topic,"Please help me find some nice Neopets." guess you can read the entire list. here is how to go to my topic: click Neopets General Chat, then look for the topic I said a while ago,"Please help me find some nice Neopets." I hope you get the steps properly. well, this is my answer to your question so how many NPs do you have? (I am NOT trying to steal your password) check which is the cheapest PB next,think what do you value more, Beauty or Saving money. BTW, i have a question for you also what does "wry" mean and what is 100k?

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