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Piece of a Scratch Card- Is it Glitched, Or not?


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From what I already know, the Piece of a Scratch Card is supposed to be an item for Inside your Habitarium? :O

But, Why on earth did it show up in my inventory when I recieved it from the Daily dare?


Is it glitched, or something?

I was hoping I could use it in my Habitarium, But apparently I can't...

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Hopefully TNT can fix it soon :3

I wonder if I should store it in my SDB or something, just incase the Pant Devil shows up?

I wouldn't want to lose it!

I'd love to have more items to decorate my Habitarium with.

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You can't store it in your SDB as it is a habitarium item. Simply leave it there and maybe gather junk items in your inventory to lesson the chance it'll get stolen ;)

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Here is what sunnyneo had to say:

Bonus Prize:


Piece of a Scratch Card


This item is currently glitched and in your inventory instead of in Habitarium. Since it's glitched and can be placed at the the trading post, we advice you not to do so it, this might get your account into trouble!

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I put it on the Trading Post, so it will be safe, but now I read Sunnyneo's advice, I hope it won't get me in trouble... :worried:

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I put it on the Trading Post, so it will be safe, but now I read Sunnyneo's advice, I hope it won't get me in trouble... :worried:


Certainly hope not, but the possibility is there. I saw people posting on the boards earlier about how they were reporting lots with said item in them. It would probably be best to cancel it as soon as you can. :guiltysmiley:

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In my case, I had no use for mine, so I discarded mine (wasn't really a Habitarium addict myself). :P

I just don't like how some items are glitched by the way. :sad01_anim:

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I just like the fact that with it being glitched...I can quick stock (clicking the select all buttom or whatever it's called) and I don't have to worry about a "warning" popping up saying that I can't do that and then have to click each item individually.


I am really not sure I made sense..but..yeah.


Still don't enjoy glitches that prevent or hinder. Don't really want the scratchcard for the habi, but it'd be nice if I didn't keep thinking I actually had something in my inventory.

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When I try to quickstock the thing into my SDB I get this: It looks like you are attempting to use items in ways that are not permitted. For example, you can only discard or put into your safety deposit box an item which is labeled as No Trade. Also, Betatest items can only be discarded.

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