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I'm curious to see what everyone's interests are! Besides Neopets, of course. I'm a huge blog reader, and the list could go on and on but ones I read most often:





Makeup and Beauty Blog

Beauty and The Blog


Perez Hilton (I'm a sucker for celebrity gossip :\)



So, what are some blogs/websites you check daily for new postings?


I like food/design/baking so mine all tend to focus in these areas.


Smitten Kitchen

I am Baker

Food in Jars

Not Martha

Design Sponge




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I don't read blogs. I could care less about people's poorly-written, barely researched, and grammatically incorrect opinions.


...Does TMZ count as a blog? Poorly written and grammatically incorrect, but I do read it daily because they usually scoop the other news sites.


I don't have any blogs that I actually read daily - I usually subscribe to their RSS feeds instead so I know when they're updated. :yes: Let me take a look at my feed reader...


Adventures In Open Source - The personal blog of Dan Lynch, one of my favourite podcasters, a great musician, and a Linux geek too, to top it all off.

Sixgun Productions Blog - This blog is run by Dan Lynch's fellow podcaster Fabian Scherschel, another Linux geek, developer and software designer.

The Original Times - Underwater Sprits' (my Neopets guild) blog; entries have been a little sparse lately, but we usually have some great stuff up.

Tom Callaway - Another Linux geek, heavily involved Fedora developer, and legal expert. And he works for Red Hat. :yes:

Ubuntucat - Yet another Linux geek, although this one's not a developer or musician as far as I know. xD

xkcd Blag - 'cos I love xkcd.


I am not a big blog reader. I check some different people on tumblr a couple times a week, and I post stuff there.

I used to check One Sweet Song a lot, because they tended to post some interesting music, but they haven't been very active lately.

Unknown & Unheard is another music blog that updates weekly. A lot of the stuff isn't actually unknown & unheard, but theres usually some good songs in there anyhow.

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