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Worst day ever?


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My school had a shooting last week. That was a pretty bad day.


I am happy to report it's all been uphill since then. :)


Wait, I mean downhill.


No that's not right.


Well scrap it, life has been better since then. :rolleyes_anim:

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yeah, i read that topic. but today was my worst day.


Like everyone in class was teasing me and making fun of me cuz i liked a girl. once one of my classmates brought it up, no one would let me hear the end of it! and a weird thing is they have already known that since the 2nd grade, and they choose NOW to make fun of me? :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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That's not even remotely funny to say. Seriously. It sucks that you got teased all day, but honestly, that happens. It's called life. You get over it, and when you grow up, you don't think much of it. It's something that you'll see as NOTHING compared to the days you will have in the future.


My worst day I simply refuse to talk about. Too many bad memories attached, and I have done more than enough to move on and leave it in the dust without bringing it up for a topic like this.


I hope you have a better day tomorrow, but realize that teasing over crushes will happen until the day you die.

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My worst day ever was my 17 year old dog passing away the day after Christmas, after I had just returned home from University in another province and hadn't seen her in months. I know some people might not think of this as "worst day ever" but it is one of the biggest losses I have ever experienced and still miss her to this day. It was about 3 years ago.

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My worst day ever was my 17 year old dog passing away the day after Christmas, after I had just returned home from University in another province and hadn't seen her in months. I know some people might not think of this as "worst day ever" but it is one of the biggest losses I have ever experienced and still miss her to this day. It was about 3 years ago.


Everyone who has a beloved pet can feel with you!

I know people without pets mostly think thats ridiculous. Our 18 year old cat died 2002 it still sad for me, I still miss him.

On my worse day this cat died. And the brother of my brothers girlfriend killed himself.

I didn't know him well but I loved Kati (the girlfriend) and we saw how she braked down.

She didn't get over it, she took drugs and cheated on my brother - got pregnant...

This day changed our live. In a really bad way...

And Javi, I know it can be hard at school. Especially when everybody make fun of you. But you have to be stronger than that. Why is it hurting you? If they say things like that they aren't your friends and what they say doesn't matter. When you get angry about it, its just more fun for them to do so.

And even if this was a joke - it wasn't a god one!

You should just talk to that girl that it wasn't right to bring that up.

Stop to say such things, you could get in big trouble.

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I'm sure Javi didn't mean it literally. :) We all get angry some times and as long as we know that it'll pass/we can deal with it in a more civilised (and safer) manner, it's good enough for me.


My worst day eh? I don't really have a 'worst' day but if you are asking for university, it's when 4 of my other group mates tossed together a sub-par piece of work (worth 20% of our semester's grade) laced with grammatical errors and fallacies and sent it to me (who was in charge of final editing) at 2+am. Needless to say, I couldn't contact any of them when I was editing. I stayed up all night without sleep trying to salvage it and didn't get so much of a thank you after that. In fact, some weren't too happy I made so many major changes -.-;;. Man, I detest silly groupmates.


[before doing up the final copy, we had already settled on what our hypothesis was, the arguments to be made, how they were to be supported etc. But when I got the final paper, almost everything was different.]


On another note, sorry to hear about all the stories of beloved pets passing away. =/ That's the main reason why I keep putting off getting a pet...

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I, too, can relate to the loss of a beloved pet. My cat died 6 years ago and I still miss him. Some people don't understand how pets can be family...


My worst day was when I tried to kill myself, but someone called the cops, who then called an ambulance, which then promptly brought me to the psych ward. I spent the next week there, and it wasn't that bad, but my first day there was horrible. I didn't know where I was, or what was going on, they had me in isolation with nothing but the hospital gown they made me wear and a bed. I was freezing, but not allowed blankets, and I didn't see anyone, not a nurse or a patient, for hours. Anyway... after that first day, they DID help me. A lot. And there was a very kind nurse who spent most of her time sitting with me, just talking. (:


And Javi, I was teased so much throughout elementary and high school! But now that I'm in college, everyone is nicer, and WAY more mature! So just remember that it won't always be like this. And don't let those mean kids get to you, they're probably 100x more insecure than you are. :yes:

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Man Alice =/, hope you are ok now! If you need a listening ear, all of us are here to listen :). Nice to know that at least you had a wonderful nurse to chat to! I do hate how cold hospitals are =/.


The best thing about having a worst day? The fact that hardly anything which happens after can get you down xD.

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My worst day ever, would have to be the day my grandma (my mom's mom) died.


She had been a cancer survivor. (She was diagnosed with a type of cancer when my mom was pregnant with me {1984/1985}. After giving her 6 months to live, she survived, and was cancer free, for 23 years.) But days after my grandpa died in Feb. 08, they started her on chemo, saying she now had bone cancer. She died 9 months later, Nov. 08.


What made it even harder was that I was living over an hour away at the time, but I was in town that weekend to see her. I'd come in late at night, and passed on the chance to go see her in the hospital because I was tired from the drive. I planned to go see her the next morning. And the next morning, I woke up to hearing my mom crying, and I knew. I walked out of the room, and found out my grandma passed away in her sleep that night. So I passed up my last chance to see her before she died.

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  • 1 month later...

Today I mentioned how I liked this guy and then my friend Steve turned up at the table and said he heard me say who I liked. Steve's only the guy's best mate, and has gone and told him. My life right now? Looks pretty screwed if I'm totally honest. It's all well and good most of my friends are ready to just about deck Steve for me, and they're there for me, but it's not them I want to talk to; it's the guy I like. I want to tell him how sorry I am. D;



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